Chapter 49: Surprise Gone Wrong

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August 21st, 1993

Alana POV

I've been having a bad feeling for the longest. I told Michael, but he brushed it off like he did when i told him in Tokyo. But it seems like he's worried about something too. He tells me he's not though. I guess he'll tell me when he's ready, hopefully.

The Dangerous tour kicks back off on the 24th in Bangkok. Angel & I aren't going this time, sadly. So, since he's been busy for the last few days, and because he leaves tomorrow, i've decided to have the family come over for a special dinner.

Currently, Angel & I are getting ready in my room & as we do that, we are singing to Whitney's "I'm Your Baby Tonight".

Whatever you want from me
I'm givin' you everything
I'm your baby tonight
You've given me ecstasy
You are my fantasy
I'm your baby tonight

From the second you touched me
I was ready to die
I've never been fatal, you're my first time
I feel like an angel, who just started to fly
Well you got a, you got a way that you make me
Feel I can, feel I can, do anything for you baby
I will fly for you baby, hold on and enjoy the ride
I'm not in no hurry, We can fly all night baby
It's your move, now baby
Baby let's fly

We giggled as we danced together around the room. I can't believe my baby girl is going to be 4 in 4 months. I was just holding her small body in my arms & now she's dancing with me to Whitney Houston. She's grown so fast. I can't wait to have another baby.

I smirked to myself as I continued to dance with my princess. Then i heard somebody chuckle behind me.

"Whitney ain't got nothing on you two."

"DADDY!!!" I turned around as Angel ran into Michael's open arms. He picked her up hugging her tight & kissing all over her face as she giggled. Then he put her down & looked at me.

"No hug from my queen?" I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Nope." I smirked & he shrugged.

"I'll take it then." Before i could run, he took me into his arms & hugged me tightly. Then he kissed my passionately, making me lose all train of thought. I love when he kisses me like that.

"Ewwww!!" We pulled back & giggled looking down at Angel, who had also started giggled.

"Come on, we need to finish getting ready." I picked Angel up walking towards the closet.

"It doesn't look like yall ever started." I flipped the bird at Michael while Angel wasn't looking. "After the guests leave." I shook my head & heard him laugh. Hot mess I tell you.

"So what's the reason for this dinner, Alana?" Taty asked as every one broke away from their own conversations, turning to me.

"Because Michael is leaving for tour tomorrow."

"And?" Michael looked at Taty. "No offense Mike, but you've left for tour plenty of times & she's never thrown you a dinner party. So it's gotta be something else." Michael looked back at me.

"Well?" I looked down & started playing with my ring.

"Can't yall wait till after dessert?"

"No," everybody said in unison.

I smirked. "Too bad. Yall have to." Everybody smacked their lips & rolled their eyes.

"Why do you have to be so difficult?" Michael asked as everyone drifted back into their own conversations.

"I get it from you."

"Lies girl you been difficult all your life," Randy said jumping into the conversation.

"Hush, Randy," He waved me off.

"You know its true."

"How so?"

"You never gave me-"

"Let it go," Michael said interrupting him. Randy scoffed & rolled his eyes. I couldn't do anything but giggle. Me & Michael been together for damn near 14 years & Randy still be tripping. Crazy ass.

Everybody continued to talk amongst themselves as Maria brought out the cupcakes & passed them out to each person.

"Cupcakes, Alana, really?" Randy asked eyeing it.

"You & your husband got all this money & yall can't get us no rich people dessert?" Taty added, making everyone chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

"Bet yall still eat it."

"Duh what- wait. Why is it an 'W' on my cupcake?" Everyone looked down at their cupcake as I smirked. Then they looked up at me.

"Alana..." Michael started.

"They spell out something. Put em together & see." Every started talking & stood at once.

"Girl ain't nobody got time for these riddles!!!" Jermaine said. I shrugged as Michael came wrapping his arms around me.


"Nope im not telling you. Go find out with the rest of them." He smacked his lips letting me go.

"But im not the rest of them i'm your husband. I'm Michael Jackson."

"Well, husband Michael Jackson, it wouldn't be any fun to just tell you the surprise. So go." I shooed him away. He smacked his lips.

"You're so difficult bubble butt."

"I've been told." He stuck his tongue out as he walked towards the family, who were really struggling to figure it out. I giggled. Only our family. The door bell rang & Maria scurried out the kitchen towards the front door.

"AYE I THINK WE GOT IT!!" Marlon yelled.

I smirked. "Michael read it." He slowly read it to himself then a wide smile came across his face as he looked up at me. I smiled back just as hard as him.

"Well?" Janet asked.

Michael bit his lip still smiling hard. He walked over to me & put his arm around me. "She's pregnant."

"WHAT?!?" I laughed at their reaction.

"SURPRISE!!" Everyone clapped & cheered. I smiled proudly. Im having another baby. Angel ran over to us & Michael picked her up.

"Guess what Angel?" Michael said excitedly.

"What daddy?"

"Mommy's having another baby. You're gonna be a big sister." Angel smiled just as hard as her daddy & everybody laughed. "You excited too huh?" She nodded still smiling hard. We laughed once again as Michael put her down. She then hugged me & skipped away towards her auntie.

Michael then picked me up, spun me around, then kissed me slow. I pulled back smiling & he smiled too.

"I love you Alana."

"I love you too."

"BOOOOO!!" Randy yelled & we rolled our eyes.

"Hater." Everyone chuckled as a police officer walked in followed by Maria. The officer walked over to us.

"Sorry to interrupt Mr & Mrs Jackson but i have a search warrant &-"

"Search warrant? For what?" I asked looking at Michael confused. He was staring at the officer with no emotion on his face.

"Mr. Jackson has been accused of child molestation."

"WHAT?!?" My heart instantly dropped. I couldn't move. Couldn't talk. Could barely breathe.

"B-by who?" Taty stuttered out. I was afraid that i might've already knew the answer.

"Jordan & Evan Chandler."

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