Chapter 19: That Feeling

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2 months later

August 25th, 1983

Alana POV

YESSSSS!!! THIS FUCKING CAST IS COMING OFF MY FUCKING LEG TODAY!!! Michael doesn't know that yet though so i'm going to surprise him. Then in a week & a half, i'm going back on tour. Too soon? Well you know i owe my fans. I missed 3 months of the tour & its time to get back. I wonder how Michael will react though...

Michael POV

"Yes. Ok. See you tomorrow. Bye bye." I hung up the phone. Tomorrow is the official start of the filming of 'Thriller'.

That was Michael Peters, the choreographer helping with the dance. All we need to do is come up with a concept... Hmmm... I'll talk to Frank later about that.

I got up from off the couch & walked upstairs to my room. No one's home, of course. I haven't talked to Alana since last night. She sounded excited about something. I'll call her later.

I walked in my room & sat back on the bed. It was so peaceful.... So quiet..... Ughhh i need to call my Lana-bear. I got out the bed & went back downstairs. I was almost to the phone when somebody rang the doorbell. Dang. I walked over to the door.

"Who is it??" No answer. I don't have time for this i need to talk to Alana. I opened the door & it was nobody. Ughh. I stepped out.

"Hello?" No answer. I turned around & got attacked with hugs & kisses from Alana. I laughed as she did that.

"A-Alana ssstop that ttttticklesss." She giggled & stopped.

"Hey baby." I hugged her. Something was different about her. She ain't move that fast since before the accident... So that means...

"Baby you got cast off!!!" I picked her up & spinned her around. She was giggling.

"I knew you would've noticed sometime soon."

"What you trying to call me slow?"

".....nooooooo." I picked her up & started tickling her. "Stawpppppp Michaelllllll!!!!!" I put her on my shoulder & carried her into the house.


Alana POV

"So what should the concept be Lanaaaaaaaa????"

"Michael, i don't have all the answers. Think."

"I can'tttttt." He pouted. My baby is soooo cuteeee. I hate i have to leave him again in a week & a half. Damn. He is going to be upset.

"Stopppp. You know you look cute when you do that." He just pouted some more. "Appleheadddd."

"Fine. You win this time." I gave him a Kool-aid smile. "So what you want to do??? Catch a movie & order pizza??"

"That sounds good but.... We need to talk."

Michael POV

I cringed. I heard those 4 words were nothing but trouble.

"Michael?" She said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh yeah. About what?" She sighed.

"You know how after i was on tour before the accident?"

"Um yeah."


"Just get to the point Alana."

"I have to go back." Blank stare. Blank stare. Silence.


She sighed. "In a week and a half."

Frustration. Angerness.

"How long have you know?"

"2 weeks."

Once again, silence. I breathed in & out then closed my eyes.

Alana POV

I could tell he was upset. Like really upset. Finally he spoke up.


"No? What do you mean 'no'?"

"I mean as in no you're not going." He stood up. I stood up with him.

"I'm not going?" He nodded. "Says who?"

"Says me."

"Michael you ain't my father."

"Well i'm your boyfriend & one of my priorities is to protect you."

"Protect me from what?!"

"Its some one out to get you Alana!! Out to get us!!"

"Man i don't believe that shit i'm going on tour."

"No you're not Alana."

"Yes i am Michael."

"No you're not. You just got out of a freaking cast from a freaking car accident cause somebody is freaking out to get you!!!!"


"No whats bullshit is you still trying to go on this tour!!!"

"No whats really bullshit is your overprotectiveness Michael!!! Ever since the accident you've been so paranoid & overprotective & that shit's annoying!!!"

"Alana you damn near died!!!"

"Well i'm alive & well & going on that tour." I started heading towards the door.

"Alana if you walk out that door-"

"What you gon do?" I folded my arms. He sighed.

"Its over between us." I laughed.

"Really Michael? Once again over stupid shit? Whatever." I walked out slamming the door behind me. Did we really just break up?

Michael POV

I sighed & collapsed on the couch. Why? Just why Alana?


August 29, 1983

Michael POV

Its been 4 days. 4 days & me & Alana haven't talked. I miss her but im not going to call her. I told her not to go on that tour but she still going. I got a feeling something is going to happen on that tour. And not something good...

Alana POV

"Boy i never thought...

Never thought there would be a love like this,

Better than our first date,

Sweeter than our first kiss..."(yes i know this is a Monica song. Don't feel like making up something right now.)

As i sat here practicing for the tour, all i could do was think about was Michael. I love him but then again i can't believe him. Why is he tripping? He know he wouldn't ever do his fans like that so why am i so different? Im a fucking grown woman. He basically trying hold me back & its not about to be like that...

But its this one thing thats telling me to listen to Michael....

Too bad i won't listen.

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