Chapter 8: Where The Hell?

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Michael POV

Alana stood there with hurt in her eyes. I felt a little guilty but then again, not really. She turned me down. I confessed my love to her & she turned me down. I didn't even get a reason why. She just... Turned me down.

Alana POV

I just stood there with a lump in my throat. I couldn't find the right words. And when I tried to talk, the only thing that came out were sobs. I covered my mouth, backing away slowly, shaking my head. Then I turned around & took off running towards the house. I heard Michael yelling for me to come back but I just kept running. I can't do it. I just can't.

Michael POV

I sighed & turned to Brooke.

"Guess I should leave?"

"No duh."

"Alright, alright. I'm leaving. But just call me if you need anything." She smacked me on my butt & got out the pool. I blushed in embarrassment.

"Bye Randy," she said looking down at him.

"Bye." He waved. She looked at me & winked. I started blushing again. Then she sashayed her way towards the front. Randy sat up.

"I tried to tell Alana. She wouldn't listen."

I groaned. "Randy you know she's hard headed."

"Yeah, and evil and fast. She hit me in Randy Jr. Then turned around & told Janet to do it. Janet took it to the extreme and used it as a punching bag. I don't think i'll be able to have kids." He groaned. I chuckled slightly.

"You about to be 19. You ain't ready for all that yet."

"But when I am, Alana will be the first person i hit up." I scowled at him. "I'm just kidding." He got up & walked away. "Or maybe not." He went back in the house. I sighed. I should really call Alana.

Alana POV

"Son of a bitch!!!" I yelled ripping up another one of my many pics of me & Michael.

"I hate him!!!!" I threw another in the fireplace.

"Stupid fucker!!!" I threw one photo album in the garbage. The phone started ringing. I picked it up.

"Hello??" I said impatiently.


"The fuck you want Michael??? Ain't you suppose to be with Brooke???"

"Alana it was a whole misunderstanding. I-"

I hung up. "Misunderstanding my ass!!!" I sat back down on the floor ripping pictures & burning them. Then somebody knocked on the door.

"Oh my fucking gosh who is it?" No answer. "Alright your ass gon stay out there since you don't want to answer."

"Its Michael."

"You damn sure ain't getting in here now."

"Alana can I please come in?"

"Hell no!!!"

"You don't understand."

"I understand completely. You choose her over me yeah I understand!!!"

"Alana you turned me down! Do you not remember our date 2 months ago? I finally told you the truth after all these years & you turned me down!! I told you exactly how I felt & you turned me down without a doubt!! No reason why at all! Apparently you didn't want me that bad if you did that!!" I was startled. One, i've never heard him yell & two, i had made a complete fool of myself. I heard him sigh. "Man fuck it," he mumbled. And he just cursed. I heard his footsteps walking away. I wanted to go after him, but i think we both need some time to think.


I was laying on the couch, listening to old depressing songs when Taty walked in the condo. She kintted her eyebrows & walked over to me.

"Girl is it that time of the month?" She asked as she plopped down on the couch next to me. "Its pictures all in the garbage, you listening to sad songs, you laying on the couch under the covers when you got a whole bed & you look discombobulated. Wha'ts wrong?" I shook my head staring randomly into space. She sighed & hugged me.

"Is it Michael?" I nodded my head. She sighed again. "What happened?" I explained what happened. She looked at me crazy. "You're lying."

"So serious."

"Well he does have a point. He is not going to wait forever. So its now or never. Pick your choice wisely."


"But what?"

"I don't know. Its just that, i got my career and then he got groupies & he's going to get insecure thinking about all the men that want me and-"

"Alana stop making excuses & go get your man." I looked at her & cracked a small smile. She shook her head. I got up, slipped my shoes on & grabbed my keys. "Gon girl!!! Ow!!" I chuckled & headed out the door.


"What you mean he's missing?!?!" I asked.

"Exactly that. He left 4 hours ago and still ain't came back," Randy said.

"He would've called to make sure we know he's alright but he hasn't," Latoya added. I sighed & sat down on the stool.

"Does Mother & Joseph know?" I asked.

"Hell no!!"

"We don't need Mother going crazy," Said Marlon. Jermaine came in with Tito & Jackie.

"Whats up yall?" Tito looked at me & licked his lips. "Hey Alana."

"Hi Tito." He frowned at my response to him.

"Aye Tito, you better stop before Michael gets you," Jermaine joked.

"Yeah that's if he come back," Latoya muttered.

"What you mean?"

"He's missing."

"How the hell do you lose a 21 year old?"

"I don't know. But we need to find him. Lets go."

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