Chapter 33: Baby Shower Surprise

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September 24th, 1989

Alana POV

"Mother this food is good," I said taking a bite out of the corn.

"I think you're just hungry Alana," Taty said.

"Shut up." Well i am now 7 months pregnant, with a healthy baby girl. Michael was disappointed cause he wanted a little boy but oh well. It really didn't matter to me because i just wanted my baby to come out alive & with no complications. Speaking of complications, where is my fiancé?

"BINGO I WIN!!!" Michael yelled. Oh lord he over there playing bingo. I am currently having my baby shower & it just started about 10 minutes ago. Only a few people are here & Michael already playing bingo (and winning).

"MICHAEL YOU CHEATING!!" Randy yelled.

"Nope look at thisss," Michael said showing Randy his card.

"FIRST YOU WIN MY GIRL & NOW BINGO?!? UGH!!!" He stormed off somewhere. I shook my head. Michael laughed running over to me & kissing my cheek.

"I won bingo!!" I giggled at his excitement.

"I know i heard baby." He grinned & pulled up a chair sitting next to me.

"Um excuse i was sitting next to my sister." He scoffed & moved a little. "Thank you."

"Alright, alright, alrightt!! Its time for the baby stroller olympics!!" Everybody clapped & cheered. "Now the objective of this game is to see who can race around Neverland the fastest without knocking over the obstacles. And i bet money Michael will win," I said grinning.

"BOOOO!!!!" I laughed.

"Hey, hey, hey," Michael said. "Don't hate." He flipped his curls out his face & sat back down. I giggled.

"Hmmmm if not Michael it definitely will be one of the other brothers," Berry Gordy said. Yes he was here along with Auntie Diana(with my cousins), Tatum O'neal (i have no problem with her being his ex. Long as she doesn't try anything), Elizabeth Taylor, Paul McCartney & his wife & many more.

"No. Im going to win," Macaulay (Culkin) said with confidence.

"Sure," Everybody said sarcastically.

"Yall didn't have to be sarcastic." I shook my head.

"Are yall ready?" I asked. They nodded. "Okay. On your mark, get set, go!!!!"They took off running. Everybody cheered watching them run.

"GO MARLON!!!" His wife Carol yelled.

"Go daddy!!!" His kids yelled.



"Calm your pregnant ass down," Tatyana said.

"AND THEY'RE COMING BACK!!!" Joseph yelled. I screamed & everybody looked at me. I guess that threw Jermaine off cause he lost balance & fell.

"Ooohh," We all said.


Soon as Michael was about to win, Mac ran across the finish line. Everybody yelled.

"AND MACAULAY WINS!!!" We all yelled laughing.

"YES!!! WHAT I WIN?!?"

"A kiss on the cheek from the pregnant lady."

"Ew gross." I laughed. Randy pointed at him.

"Aye. You better take it. Cause i could've had that." Alejandra smacked him. "Owe. Sorry."

"Alright now its time to open the gifts," Taty said. We clapped & went over by the gifts. I sat down with Michael next to me.

"Open mine first," Liz said. Taty passed me Elizabeth's gift & i opened it. It was a pink blanket with 'Angel Na'Zyia' (what im naming the baby) in gold stitching.

"I love this Liz!!! Thank you."

"No problem sweetie," She hugged me.

"Liz can you get me one made too?" Taty asked. We laughed. "Yall laughing im dead serious."

"Girl just hand me the presents."

"One more gift," Taty said.

"I don't see any more."

"Thats cause its not out here," Taty said walking towards the house. I looked at Michael confused & he was smirking. "Michael."

"Come on. Let me help you up."


"So you can meet your gift halfway."

"I hope yall not having a male stripper come out," Jermaine said.

"Why would i rent a male stripper for her?" Michael asked helping me up.

"Cause you love me."

"Thats the exact reason why i wouldn't." We started walking towards the house.

"Ready Mike?" Taty asked.

"Yeah." Out came Taty with...


"ALANA!!!" I ran, well waddled halfway to her & halfway hugged her. She giggled. If you're wondering, when i was younger, me & Linda were penpals, which we eventually turned into best-friends. We always talk but i haven't seen her since i was like 20. "I missed you."

"I missed you too. Where's my babies?" She moved back & her two kids were standing right there. I gasped. She had a boy & a girl. Eric, who was 10 & Felicia who was 12.

"Oh my god i haven't seen you two since yall were little. Yall are so big omg. Come give me a hug." They walked over to me & hugged me. "My little babies got big."

"Ok Alana we get it."

"You shut up."

"Ahhh!!!" Michael screamed as he tried to out run the kids. I shook my head. My overgrown fiancé. He started running over to me.

"No!!! Don't come over here with that!!!" He ran another way. Linda chuckled. I looked at her.

"Do you want him? Cause you can have him."

"Im okay Alana."

"You sure?"

"Im positive."

"Okayyy." Linda snickered. Jermaine walked over.

"Alana its another guest at the gate."

"And you're telling me because?'

"Because this is your baby shower." I rolled my eyes.

"Jermaine i am 7 months pregnant i am not going to get the door."

"I'll get it," Tatyana said standing up.

"At least she ain't lazy." I took my shoe off & threw it at Jermaine. "Owe!!! Michael get Alana." I stuck my tongue out & sat back in the chair rubbing my belly. Angel kicked me. I smiled.

"Can't wait till you get here little baby."

"Hey Alana," Taty yelled.

"What im talking to my daughter!!!"

"Um did you invite him?" I turned towards Taty & gasped.


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