Chapter 70: Low Blow

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August 1st, 1996
10:40 am
Alana POV

"Careful baby girl, watch your step," Michael said as he helped me out of the truck. I rolled my eyes. Michael had been real careful & delicate with me since he found out I was pregnant. He wouldn't let me be alone for one second, not even to go to the bathroom. He said it was because he didn't want what happened last time to happen again.

I didn't want it to happen either but I also needed some breathing room sometimes. Plus, it ain't like Michael is God & can stop me from miscarrying so he needs to chill.

"You feeling okay?" He asked as we walked into the hospital.

"Yes Michael, damn."

"Im just checking on you."

"You've asked me that like 20 times in the car!!"

"I have to make sure you're okay."

"Michael I will tell you if im not fine I know how to communicate to my spouse," I wanted to add 'unlike other people' but that might've hit a nerve. He rolled his eyes.

"That's not going to make me leave you alone."

"Ughhh!!" I let go of his hand & walked ahead of him towards the elevator.

"Don't you walk away from me," I heard him say behind me. Luckily, someone was getting off the elevator as I walked up. She gasped at the sight of me, well maybe us, but I was too in a rush to get away from Michael to pay her any mind. "Alana don't-" I waved to Michael smirking as the elevator closed then sighed as I pressed the button for the 4th floor. Some alone time at last.

"You are on track for a healthy pregnancy, Alana," Dr. Thomas, my doctor of many years said.

"There. Now can you please leave me be Michael?" I asked turning to him. He just waved me off.

"How far along is she?"


"I got this, doc," She put her hands up letting me talk. "One month & one week." Dr. Thomas smiled.


"It was obvious. We had sex once since we've gotten back together & that was the day we got back together."

"Alana," Michael said blushing.

"What? You act like I talked about how good the sex was. Which was ve-" Michael covered my mouth laughing weakly. Dr. Thomas let out a chuckle.

"You know I was so happy when I saw you two walk into my office. Im so glad you're back together," She said smiling.

"Thank you, Dr. Thomas," Michael said. I bit his hand making him yelp & let go.

"Thank you," I slid off the seat.

"Good luck. I'll see you two in a couple of weeks." We said our goodbyes & headed out. Bill & the others were sitting in the waiting room & stood up when we walked in. Michael nodded at Bill & we headed out. It was quiet as we walked until Michael spoke up.

"Hey what's gotten into you lately?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, looking at him crazy.

"What's gotten into you?" I rolled my eyes.

"Other than this baby, nothing."

"Yes it is." We stopped at the elevator. "I know when something's bothering & something has definitely been bothering you lately."

"Yeah, you."

"Me?" He asked surprised. Why was he so surprised like he ain't been all in my personal space lately?

"Yes you Michael."

"What have I done?" We stopped at the elevator. I turned to him.

"You haven't left me alone since you found out I was pregnant!!"


"So I would like you to give me some breathing room every once in awhile." He stepped a couple of feet away from me then walked up back in my space.

"There you go."

"Ugh!!! Thats not what I meant."

"Too bad thats all you're gonna get. What do you need space for anyways? Im just trying to make sure all goes right with this pregnancy."

"Well you're not God, Michael, so whatever happens, happens."

"What the hell does that mean?" Michael asked furrowing his eyebrows. The elevator dinged & people walked out, gasping at the sight in front of them.

"Its Michael & Alana."

"Are they back together?"

"I think so." We ignored them.

"What do you think it means?"

"Uhhh guys the elevator," Bill said, trying to stop us while we were ahead.

"Do you not care about what happens to this baby?" The forming crowd gasped.

"She's pregnant?"

"Michael Jackson Jr. I see it!!!"

"Of course I fucking care its my child Michael!!"

"Guys!!" Bill hissed. We ignored him.

"Well you're acting like you don't saying something like that!! I wouldn't be surprised if thats the reason our other child died." Nobody said anything. The crowd looked at Michael in shock. The bodyguards looked Michael in shock. I felt my heartbreaking all over again. Michael looked at me regretful. "A-" I got in to the elevator quickly closing it before he could even finish saying my name. What would even possess him to say that?

My leg shook as I tried to calm down. I refuse to let this be a repeat of last time. I'll be damned.

This chapter was ass but there will be better days. Yes lord.

It was short & the next chapter might be too but after bullshitting for about 2 months, im back!!! Hope yall enjoyed this chapter, even tho it was fu.

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