Chapter 36: Welcome To The World Angel

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Alana POV

"WHAT?!?" Everybody yelled.

"Yall heard me!!! Now get me to a damn hospital!!!" Michael swiftly picked me up & started running to the car. Lord these contractions hurt!!! He put me in the back seat & got in with me. Linda & Taty got in the front & instantly speed off.

"Baby breath in & out. In &-"

"I know how to breath goddammit!!!" I did as he said. Oh my fucking god i was in pain. I wanted to fucking cry. "Why couldn't you fucking wait till the wedding was over!!"

"Don't yell at-" I grabbed his hair & pulled it.

"YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!! YOU DID THIS TO ME!!! WE ARE NEVER HAVING SEX AGAIN!!!" Michael squealed in pain as i kept doing breathing exercises.

"Alana, imma need you to calm down & let go of his hair." I let it go & yelled out in pain.

"It hurts," i whined.

"We're almost there. Just hold Michael's hand & focus on your breathing." I reached for his hand but he scooted away.

"GETCHO ASS BACK HERE!!!" I pulled him back over to me & gripped his hand tightly. He ain't feeling half the pain im feeling.


Michael POV

"PUSH!!!" Alana yelled out in pain pushing. She had been in labor for about 6 hours now. I hated to see her in pain.

"IT HURTS MICHAEL!!!" She cried.

"Shhh you're almost done." She held onto my hand tight.

"PUSH ALANA!!! I SEE THE HEAD!!!" She pushed again screaming. "ONE MORE TIME!!!" She did a long push & a few seconds later i heard little baby cries. I smiled trying not to tear up. My first child was finally here. November 24th, 1989 at 8:44 pm. I looked at Alana who had a tired smile on her face. I leaned down & kissed her forehead.

"Wanna hold her Michael?" I nodded as the doctor finished cleaning her off & handed her to me. She was so beautiful. She looked just like Alana.

"Hi Angel." She looked at me with glossy eyes. "Im your daddy. And you see that pretty tired woman right there?" I asked showing her Alana who was in tears. "Thats your mother. We love you so much." I kissed her cheek & gave her to Alana. She smiled.

"Hi baby," Her voice cracked. "You are so beautiful. You should've waited till mommy & daddy got married," we laughed. "But im glad you're here. I love you." Then she looked up at me. "Come here Michael." She scooted over on the bed & i got in next to her putting my arm around her. Angel had her eyes close & Alana rubbed her face. "You see what we made?"

I smiled. "Yes. She's beautiful. Just like her mother." She turned to me & caressed my face.

"I love you so much Michael." I got closer to her & put my head on her.

"I love you so much more Alana."


Anddd that is were im going to end it. They are so cute awww.

Next chapter coming soon.

Food, MJ, Love


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