Chapter 22: Found Ya

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Alana POV

Michael was right. I was wrong and he was right. I should've listened. But me being the hardheaded girl i am, i didn't.

I looked around and groaned. I had no sort of clue of where we were. I couldn't see anything. It was barely light in the room.

I teared up. Why couldn't i just listen to Michael in the first place? I never fucking listen to him. He told me don't date Jeremiah & i did. Now where am i? Locked in Jeremiah's basement. I screamed out it anger. Fuck all this.

Brooke POV

I never really wanted to do this. But what he was saying about Michael pissed me off. He was so right. Michael didn't want me. He wanted Alana. And that just made me want to go along with this plan. I sighed to myself. Im screwed now.

I sat on the couch watching the news & all you saw was Alana. Alana this, Alana that. Its always all about her. I threw the remote and yelled out in anger. Why not Brooke?

Jeremiah came out of the room & sat on the couch next to me. Then he started kissing me on my neck.

"Ummmm what are you doing?" I said pushing him away. He smirked at me.

"Come onnnnn. Just go with it."

"Go with what?" I stood up backing away from him. He was making me very uncomfortable. "If you're trying to seduce me its not working. I do not want you."

He frowned. "Well who the hell are you saving yourself for? Michael sure as hell don't want you." My heart shattered as he smirked again. He was right. My heartbreak grew into anger as i slapped him hard.

But i didn't expect him to slap me back. I staggered back holding my face. He looked at me with anger.

"Don't. Ever. In. Your. Right. Mind. Fucking. Put. Your. Hands. On. Me. Its the goddamn truth & you know it. Michael doesn't want you. He wants Alana. Nobody wants you. I don't even want you. I just wanted somebody to give me sexual healing till i get Alana. Now get your sorry ass some ice for your face. I'll be back later." He left out slamming the door behind him.

I walked in the kitchen with tears running down my face. Why always me?

Michael POV

We pulled up in front of Jeremiah's mother house. I hope she isn't as crazy as her son.

"Go ahead Tatyana."

"Why meeee?" She whined. We looked at her with a straight face. She sighed. "Okay."

Tatyana POV

I got out the car & walked up on Jeremiah's mother's front porch. I rung the doorbell & waited. I hope she has no part of this because i don't want to have to whoop an older woman's ass.

She answered & gasped. "Tatyana?"

I smiled. "Yesss Mrs. Davis."

She hugged me tight & i hugged back. "How have you been sweetie? Did you find Alana yet?" She let go.

I sighed. "No not yet."

She put her hand on her heart. "My poor baby. I loved her like she was my daughter. And you too."

"I know you did Mrs. Davis. But um can i have Jeremiah's address? I know he would like to help find her." Or just let us find her at his house.

"Sure baby."

Michael POV

"God we don't have all day!!!"

"Michael calm down." I raised my eyebrow at her. Jailee she sat back in the seat. "Let me leave you alone when you're angry." Tatyana got back in the car.

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