Chapter 13: Family Day

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Michael POV

The next day Alana went straight back on tour. That kind of brought me down & the fact that they extended it. This is still the first leg. She has a month left then she's taking a 2 month break then back to tour for 7 months. Ugh this is torture. Think positive, think positive. On the bright side, I've been getting positive feedback on the performance. Everybody said they loved it. Im so happy. Right now i'm just trying to figure out what to do. I sat in the bed for a while then headed downstairs. I decided to spend some time with my family while Alana was gone, cause trust & believe once she come back i'll be dedicating my time to her. Mother was in the kitchen cooking while Latoya, Janet & Randy were in the dining room at the table talking. I don't know where Joseph was.

"Good morning Mother," i said hugging her.

"Morning baby. You hungry?"


"Ok. Go sit with your brother & sisters at the table till the food is done." I obeyed & went to the table.

"Morning Michael." They all said. Janet got up & hugged me.

"Whats up Dunk?"

"Congratulations on the performance last night."

"Well thank you.

"You welcome." She sat back down. Mother came in with the food, put it on the table & sat down. We said our grace & dove in.

"So what do you all have planned today?"

"Nothing," we all said together.

"Well thats pretty boring." Mother said.

"Well we could have some family time. Swimming, water balloon fights, barbecue. You know, a little family day," i suggested.

"Thats a great idea. Like a little family reunion."


"Ok so after breakfast, you & Randy will go get the food, Michael, Janet & Latoya will go get decorations & anything else we'll need & i'll call every one."

"Alright." We all agreed. Then we ate our food & went our separate ways. This is about to be fun.


"Oh snap!! Oh snap!! Retreat!!!" Jermaine yelled trying to run away from me. Not going to happen. I threw the water balloon at him & it busted all on his head. I laughed & so did the kids.

"Nice job, uncle Mike," Taj said, giving me a high 5.

"Its not over yetttt," a voice said behind us. We turned around & saw Jermaine's kids, Hazel & Marlon with water guns in there hand.

"RUN!!!" We took off running. Randy ended up getting hit, but its ok. As everybody else kept running, i stopped, turned around & soaked all of them up.


"HA!!" 5 down, 3 to go.

"Oh Michael." Crap. I turned around & SPLAT!! 3 water balloons splashed on me.

"Dang!!!!" Everybody yelled. Jackie, Valencia & Brittny just laughed. I smiled.

"You got me. Its cool. Cool like ice. Cause now its FREE FOR ALL MAN!!!" We all started spraying each other with water guns & throwing water balloons. By the time Mother called us for dinner, we were SOAKED.

"And the winner is...... NOBODY!!!!!" We all cheered & laughed as we walked over to our picnic set. The food smelled sooo good.

"Uh uh uh. Go get yourselves dry."


"Come on Mother."

"We're famished."

"Pweaseee?" TJ, Brittny & Autumn begged.

"Nope. Go change your clothes." We all trudged into the house to change our clothes.


While we ate we talked amongst ourselves. It felt good to hang out with my family. We need to do this more often. Mother stood up.

"Guess who's here?"

"Fred Astaire!!!"

"No Michael."

"Well then." Mother went over to the back door & opened. Out came-

"REBBIE!!!!" We all ran over to her & hugged her. I haven't seen her in i don't know how long. She had brought her husband & kids with her. I picked up her youngest child Yashi. She was like 5.

"Hi Yashi."

"Hi uncwle Mike." I smiled. I just adore children.

"What are you all doing here?" Janet asked.

"Well we were coming here anyway so um yeah that basically explains it." We all laughed.

"Well come sit down & eat Rebbie," Jackie offered.

"No we're good. We had KFC at the airport." I gasped.

"And yall didn't bring me any?!?"

"Actually we did it's in the dining room on the table."

"OH YEAH!!" I ran in. I could hear them laugh as i ran. But i don't care. Im getting some KFC. I ran to the dining room & sat down. Oh yes. KFC. I was about to get it until the phone. I sighed & went over to it.



"Um yes?"

"This is Fred Astaire." I perked up. Fred Astaire?

"And i just wanted to say, you're a hell of a mover. You really put them on their asses last night." I grinned & thanked him.

"Your welcome. And you're an angry dancer. I'm the same way. I used to do the same thing with my cane. I watched the special last night; i taped it & watched it again this morning. You're a HELL of a mover." I thanked him once again, we said our goodbyes & i hung up.

Fred Astaire complimented ME? ME? Are you serious? This is not real. Not reality. Not at all. If Fred Astaire just called me & complimented me...

I gotta be doing something right.

I decided to call Alana & tell her the good news. I couldn't even put in the right number i was so unfocused. I pressed call & it started ringing. I was so freaking happy. Couldn't nothing bring me down.


Nothing but a man answering Alana's phone.

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