Chapter 10: Not Strong For Long

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October 14th 1982 

Alana POV 
Its been 3 years. 3 long years. Yes i'm still with Michael & yes i am happy. We're still going strong. Its been a crazy 3 years though. With the tabloids never resting, Jackson family problems, Michael's new album coming out soon & some other crap, its been CRAZY. Michael had to hurry up to make the record company's deadline but with him being the perfectionist he is, he thought the whole thing was crappy (even though some of it wasn't) and redid it. The company understood too. But now, its almost done & it might be out by the end of next month. I can't wait. That one i read in his notebook that one time is going on there, along with some other songs he wrote for me. But enough about him lets talk about me. Sadly, I'm going to be going on another tour soon for 6 months. I'll be leaving right before his album comes out. And i haven't told Michael yet. I mean with his family problems & the album & crap, i don't know how to tell him. I just don't. 

"You told him yet?" Tatyana asked, plopping down on the couch. I sighed. 


"Alana when are you going to tell him? You leaving in less than 2 months & you've known for 5. Then again, how the hell he don't know? It's everywhere!! Newspapers, TV, Magazines." 

"He don't read that type of shit. You know that." 


"Man Tatyana i don't know how to tell him," i said pouting. 

"Well you better figure it out. What are you going to do, leave & not tell him?" 



"Fine, fine. I'll tell him today." 

Michael POV 

(Ooh, girl, let me keep you warm) 

I wanna keep you warm

(You are the lady in my life)

In my life, now

(Fill you with the sweetest love)

Let me fill you, babe

(Always the lady in my life)

All over, all over, all over

(Lay back in my tenderness)

Lay back with me

(You are the lady in my life)

Let me touch you, girl

(Rock me with your sweet caress)

Lay back with me

(Always the lady in my life)

All over, all over, all over

(Ooh, girl, let me keep you warm)

All over, all over, all over, all over, babe-

"Cut cut cut!!" I took off my headphones & tapped my foot impatiently. I was tired of being in the studio. I just want to go home & sleep damn. Damn. I'm so irritated i just cursed.

"What's up now Quincy?" 

"Let's talk Michael." I left out the booth & we went in the hallway. "Michael i want you to BEG when you sing it." 


"Beg. Beg like a little kid begging for candy. You have to BEG for it Michael. Can you do that for me?"

"Ummm sure?" 

"Great. Lets go." We went back in the studio. I went in the booth. 

"Ummm can you turn the lights off please?" 

"Sure Michael." The lights went off. Ok Michael. You can do it. BEG. Man how i'm suppose to do that? Think of Lana. I took a deep breath. 

"Ready." The rhythm started. I started from the beginning.

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