Chapter 20: This. Is. War

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December 2nd, 1983

Alana POV

"Thank you!!! Thank you very much i love you guys!!!" I waved as the crowd cheered & ran off the stage. Woo!! That performance was fun!! That was one of my last performances for the North American leg of the tour. One more tomorrow in L.A & i'll be on break till January 2nd. Go home & enjoy the time with my family, friends, make things work with Michael...

I sighed at the thought of him & went into my dressing room. I miss him. ALOT. But who fault is that? His. We broke up for a stupid reason AGAIN. Really? Ughhh. I changed out of my costume & put on a jogging suit. We leave tonight.

"Alana?" I turned around & saw Jailee in the door. "You ready?" I nodded. "Lets go."

Michael POV

"Come on Michael they're about to play it!!"

"Hold on Janet!!" I grabbed the popcorn & headed to the living room. The whole family, including Joseph, were waiting for me to sit down. Tonight was the night. The short film for 'Thriller' was coming on MTV tonight. I put in work for that. Its 13 minutes & 43 seconds long. Yes. Its long but you'll love it.

"Looooook its starting!!" We all got quiet. The short film came out AMAZINGGGG. The dancing scene with the zombies were perfect. And this is coming from a perfectionist. Thats how you know it was good. After it went off, the family got up clapping. They all congratulated me, even Joseph.

"Thank you all. But lets just hope it brings up sales." AND that Alana notices it.

December 3rd, 1983

Alana POV

"Alanaaaa!!!!" I awoke to Tatyana screaming & jumping up & down.

"Goddamn Tatyana i know you missed me & all but you could at least let me sleep in!!"

"Who pissed in your cornflakes?"

"You when you woke me up." I turned over to go back to sleep.

"Or is it that you have Michael on your mind?"

Tatyana POV

She slowly sat up & turned to me. I smirked.

"Really Taty? What does Michael have to do with the fact that you woke me up out of my sleep?"

"The fact that you're back in town & you know you miss him & you're miserable without him."

"That whole subject is irrelevant to my sleep. I am not thinking about Michael." I gave her the 'are you shitting me?' Look.

"You really gon sit here & lie about that knowing im your sister, your twin, your other half & that i know every little thing about you?" She rolled her eyes. "Exactly."

"Kiss my ass & get out."

"Whatever you say Alana."

Alana POV

I laid back down & heard the door shut. I sighed. Why does she always have to be right???


"Filled with laughter & joy,

Oh boy you make my life complete..." The crowd cheered as i sung the last song. That discussion me & Tatyana had earlier still weighed heavily on my mind. Why can't we just say sorry & make up? Should i be the bigger person & say sorry first?

'Fuck that!!!' My evil conscience yelled. 'He the one who overreacted!!' I pushed that thought away. Anger is not going to get us ANYWHERE.

"Cause boy,


You're the one for,

Me..." The crowd cheered. I smiled. "Thank you!! Thank you!!! I love you all!! Have a good night everybody!!" The crowd was still cheering as i walked off stage. I handed my mic to the director & headed back towards my dressing room. I need to talk to Michael like right now. I got in my dressing room & closed the door. What time is it? I looked at the clock on the wall & it was almost 11. It aint that damn late. But i need to hurry up to go if i want to make it before it gets too late. I started to change my clothes.

Then the lights went off.

"What the-"

I felt a hand cover my mouth. I tried to scream but it was a muffled scream. Then i felt a pinch in my arm & that was the last thing i remembered.

Right after the concert

Michael POV

I headed towards the backstage area. Man Alana know she can sang. Not sing, sang. But thats not the only reason i came. I had to talk to her. To make things right. I was tired of sitting at home, waiting till she called. You know she kind of stubborn & that would be a longgg wait. So i wasn't about to take those chances.

Jailee walked over to me just as i got backstage.

"Hi Michael."

"Hi Jailee. Alana in her dressing room?"

"Yes she is."

"Alrighty then." Then the lights went off.

"Fuck!! How the hell this happen?" Jailee sighed frustratedly. "Michael can you please go see if Alana is ok."

"Alright." I slowly tried to make my way to Alana room. But that was kind of hard knowing that im not a bat & i can't see in the dark, so yeah. I stuck my hands out trying to touch something. After a few minutes of walking in the dark & bumping into a couple of things, the lights finally cut back on.

I was standing right in front of Alana's dressing room too. The door was cracked a little bit. I knocked on it. "Alana? Are you okay?" No answer. I opened the door & saw Alana no where to be found, but her clothes on the floor along with a crumpled up paper. I grabbed the paper & read it. My eyes got big.

"SHIT!! JAILEE!!!" I ran out the room into her & John who were running this way.

"What happened? What's wrong Michael?"

"Somebody kidnapped Alana!! Look!!!" I showed them the letter. It said:

I told you Michael. I wanted you Michael. I loved you Michael. But you chose her!!! But since I can't have you, nobody can!!! So try to find her if you want to. But I bet you never will...

Fuck!!!!! Who the hell kidnapped my Alana?!? I started to get teary eyed but i wiped them away. No time for tears. This. Is. War.

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