Chapter 35: The Perfect Unity?

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November 24th, 1989

10:00 am

Alana POV

Today was the big day. My wedding day. My eyes fluttered opening expecting to see my soon to be husband on the side of me but i forgot it was bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding. I sat up rubbing my now fully grown belly. One more month.

I looked at Michael's side of the bed & saw a folded paper. I grabbed it & opened it. A picture of Michael fell out of it. I smiled a little before reading his note.

My beautiful wife,

I cannot be here when you wake up today so i decided to leave you a little note.

Today's the day when we say For All Time & Eternity. You don't understand my excitement & i how lucky i am to soon be calling you my wife. You & my unborn child are the best thing that has ever happen to me. I love you so much Alana.


P.s: I took that picture this morning because i know you would miss me.

I smiled to myself & slowly got up. Lord i feel like im about to pop. I started to head out the room but ran back in over to my little garbage can & threw up. This morning sickness gon kill me. I finished & walked to the bathroom. Breakfast gon have to wait. I brushed my teeth & rinsed my mouth. I headed back downstairs into the kitchen where Maria was cooking.

"Good morning Mrs. Jackson." I grinned.

"Good morning Maria." She smiled a little & turned back to cooking. The doorbell rang. "Ughhh!!!"

"I got it," Maria said walking out the kitchen. Thank god. That would've been too much walking.

Maria walked in followed by Taty, Linda, Jailee, Janet & Karen who were all grinning.

"Look at the bride awwww." Linda & Janet grinned.

"Why you not ready? You need to get your hair, nails & make up done before 2," Karen said.

"I just woke up Karen damn."

"Well you need to get ready cause you don't wanna be late for your own wedding."

"Karen let me eat first," I said as Maria put my plate in front of me. "I gotta feed me & my child. Damn."

"Así que date prisa!!! You have four hours till your wedding Mrs. Michael Jackson!!"


2:00 pm

Michael POV

I was standing there at the gazebo waiting for the wedding to start. This is it. The girl i've been in love with since i actually understood what love was is going to be mines forever. She's about to be my wife. And she's about to have my child.

I looked at Mother, who was smiling hard. I smiled back & looked at everybody. My closest friends & family were here. Some people were talking amongst their selves, others were snapping pictures of me. Randy walked up to me.

"Ayo Mike can we speed this up? Cause like i really wanna get on the rides while yall doing the reception." He didn't want to be in the wedding since he is sooo in love with Alana.

"Randy go away," I said & looked around once again. Yes we were having it here at Neverland. Alana said & i quote 'Why should we pay somebody else when we can use Neverland? I mean shit its beautiful as hell.' I chuckled to myself.

'For All Time' started to play (play the song) & i knew it was time. My stomach was full of butterflies. I loosened my tie a little as the flower girls(Brandi, Autumn & Brittny) & ring bearer (Jeremy). Then next came the bridesmaids(Janet, Rebbie & Linda) and groomsman (Tito, Marlon & Jackie). Afterwards, the best man (Jermaine) & maid of honor (Taty). And finally...


Everybody stood up as she walked slowly down the hall. The butterflies had stopped. She looked so beautiful. She always does but right then and there, she was just so damn beautiful. Her pretty brown eyes were sparkling in the sunlight & her carmel skin was just glowing. I knew for sure right then i wasn't making a mistake, and i was truly in love with her.

Alana POV

I walked down the aisle slowly with all eyes on me. But i wasn't looking at anybody else but Michael. He looked so handsome in his suit. Lord this was the man i was about to spend the rest of my life with. He smiled & grabbed my hand as i got to him. I smiled back & grabbed his other hand. Here we go.

Michael POV

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Alana Diana Thompson and Michael Joseph Jackson in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace." Alana squeezed my hand a little & i smiled.

"This marriage is a serious covenant made before God and before all of us as witnesses.

In acknowledgment of its Holy Purpose and the power of the occasion, let us pray.

God of Love, who gives us the longing for, and capability of loving, we give you thanks for Alana and Michael, for their open hearts and willing spirits, and for the example of love that they embody here in our presence. Be with them on this joyous occasion of showing their love and making their vows; and be with us, their witnesses, that we may all be changed by what is said and witnessed here."

"Ummm wait wait wait," Alana said. We looked at her. I hope she isn't changing her mind now. "I know this is a bad time but im having real bad contractions anddd my water just broke."


So like i was going to make the chapter longer but i decided to just stop right there :-P.

Angel decided to come at the perfect time huh?

And the dress is on the side. Lets pretend it fits a pregnant woman.

Food, MJ, Love


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