Chapter 80: Can You Feel It?

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That Same Night
9:40 pm
Alana POV

The concert started late but when it started, it was amazing. So many talented people were up there performing Michael's songs & their own. Michael was enjoying it a lot too.

Maybe even a little too much when Destiny's Child came out.

They came out half naked moving their hips & shit to 'Bootylicious'.

Now it might not be as bad as it sounds but the way Michael was all focused on their performance, especially that Beyoncé, I don't like that shit one bit.

When they finished, we stood up giving them a standing ovation. They did good, I just don't appreciate how into it Michael was. They walked off stage & I sat down, with an attitude, waiting on the next performer.

"Did you see that baby?" Michael asked settling down in his seat. I looked over at him then looked back at the stage. He scoffed. "You're so ridiculous Alana. I know you're not jealous." I didn't say nothing to him. I heard him chuckle & I quickly looked over at him.

"What's funny?"

"You." He continued to laugh. I didn't think this shit was funny. I rolled my eyes pouting. He laughed again. "Come here." I turned fully to him & came closer. He gave me a quick peck on the lips. "You're so cute when you're jealous." I rolled my eyes trying not to smile. "Now stop with the attitude these cameras keep facing us." I scoffed as I turned back towards the stage & he put his arm around me. The crowd started to cheer as the next performers prepared to start.

Michael ended up dipping off backstage with Liz to get ready for him & his brothers to perform. I was so excited! It was going to be like my childhood all over again.

Once Ray Charles & Cassandra Wilson left the stage, Liz walked on. I squirmed in excitement in my seat & Mother laughed at me. But I knew she was just as excited as me.

I didn't really pay attention to what Liz was saying because I was so excited. Then Liz laugh the stage & I heard the instrumental for 'Can You Feel It' start & I jumped up screaming like a crazy fan. Then there they were. All 6 of the Jacksons brother on stage after damn near twenty years.

I took advantage of it & took it all in. I didn't sit down not once. My legs were aching by the time they got to 'Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground)' but I didn't care. It was all worth it.

Besides, I was going to be standing up until Michael was done with his performances.

11:15 PM

"Did you enjoy it baby?" I asked as we headed back to the hotel. It was just me & him in the limo. He had his arm around me as I laid on his shoulder.

"It was fun. It's been a while since I been on stage. I kind of missed it. But not enough to go on tour." I snickered.

"Well you get to do it again Monday night."

"I should probably practice before then too. It didn't feel right improvising. I haven't improvised a show since Motown 25," He chuckled at the memory.

"You think we should bring the kids to the next show?" He shrugged.

"Might as well. Who knows when they'll see me on stage again?" I shrugged. "And because of that we should have another child." I busted out laughing. "What?"

"What does you not knowing when your next performance have to do with us having another baby?"

"We gotta pop em out before I perform again." I scoffed & got out of his hold looking at him.

"Michael what's been up with you wanting another baby? You didn't even bother me this much to have a baby after I had Angel. But now that we got 6 kids you want to have another one."

"I just really want another baby," He said, looking kind of sad. I sighed.

"Michael you would wait till im 43. It's bad enough all my other pregnancies were high risk. I really don't feel like dealing with another. Nor do I want to lose another baby," I said sadly, remembering when I lost my baby in '93. He sighed & grabbed me, pulling me close.

"I know baby. That's why I want to adopt." I looked up at him.

"I don't know..."

"Just one more baby then we can be done. Please?" He gave me his puppy dog eyes. I scoffed.

"You're lucky you're cute." He cheered & I giggled. "We won't have the house back to ourself till we're like 75."

He shrugged. "I don't mind."

11:44 pm

Michael POV

When we got to the hotel, the kids were already sleep. Alana decided to go to sleep too so she kissed me goodnight & headed in our room. I decided that was the perfect time to make a phone call so I pulled out my nokia 3390 & walked into the bathroom. I dialed the number I had learned by heart & waiting for her to pick up.

She answered on the third ring.



"Hey," I could tell she was smiling through the phone.

"How are you?"

"Im fine. Just a little tired. How about you? Matter of fact, how was the concert?"

"Amazing. I just wish you could've been there."

"I know," She groaned. "Can't believe I missed the Jacksons reunion. Im upset." I chuckled.

"It's okay. But guess what?"


"I got Alana to say yes to adopting." The line got quiet. "Hello?"

"Yeah. I'm still here. That's great," She didn't sound excited.

"Are you okay?"

"Of course." She cleared her throat.

"You sure? I mean you are the one that-"

"I have to go Michael. Goodnight." She hung up without letting me get another word in. I sighed. Well alright then.

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