Chapter 77: Ashanti, Jelani & Major

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February 27th, 1997

7:01 PM

Alana POV

Why isn't it March 8th yet? Why lord? Why? I'm tired of carrying these kids. Can they leave now?

"Evict yourselves you demon children," I said poking my stomach. They started kicking harshly. "Owe."

"Stop bothering them & maybe they'll decide to leave," Michael said walking into the room with a bowl of popcorn.

"They should wanna leave anyways. I know its cramped in there. 3 babies about 6 pounds each. Its only so much room they can have." He sat on the bed chewing on the popcorn like it was his last meal. "Can you not with this popcorn?" He rolled his eyes.

"These babies do need to hurry up cause they making you real grumpy."

"Well get used to it cause im going to be grumpy with 3-" We heard Prince crying over the baby monitor. "-4-"


"-5 kids around here. And 4 of them are newborns so yeah. We won't be getting any sleep any time soon." Michael & I both groaned before he put his popcorn down & got out the bed. I tried to get up but he put his hand out.

"I got this. You stay put."

"I need to walk to induce labor anyways. You get Prince i'll see what Angel wants." We heard static on the baby monitor before Debbie's voice came in.

"I got Prince yall." I looked at Michael.

"Well you see what Angel wants & i'll go get me something to eat."

"It's some popcorn on the bed right there," He said pointing at it.

"I don't want no damn popcorn." He snickered & walked out. I slowly walked out behind him & heading towards the stairs. I whined looking down at them. I hate going up & down these stairs. Im afraid i'll fall or something. So doing what I always did, I sat down & slowly moved down each step. I took a break after every other step, catching my breath. "This is too much." I went down another 2 before stopping. "Ughhh."

"Alana what are you doing?" Michael asked as he appeared next to me.

"I can't get down the stairs." I whined. He sighed & helped me stand up before slowly leading me down the stairs & into the kitchen.

"I think you need to start staying down here now cause you going up & down the stairs isn't safe."

"Oh ya think?" He rolled his eyes. "What did Angel want?"

"A sandwich."

"Well while you making her one make me one too."

"I'm not yall cook," He said as he made his way to the refrigerator.

"Well you're her father & also the father of the not one, not two, but three kids im carrying in my stomach so i'd advise you to shut that shit up & make the goddamn sandwiches." I snarled at him. He raised his hands in surrender & I rolled my eyes walking out the kitchen. "Im going for a damn walk im tired of being in this house."

"I don't think you should-"

"I don't think you should be telling me what in the fuck to do with my life," I yelled as I walked out the front door. Fucking bastard.

I slowly made my way to the lake & stood right there rubbing my stomach. "Can you babies come out?" I felt them moving around in my stomach. "Please?" I felt a sharp pain go through my stomach & hissed. "Im guessing that's a hell no huh?" I felt another sharp pain go through & realized it was a contraction. "Oh. Is that an hell yes?" Another contraction. "Yep. Definitely a hell yes. MICHAEL!!!" I slowly made my way back to the house with the pain constantly hitting me & the babies constantly kicking. I groaned trying to keep my self from crying. Damn. I guess this is what I get for rushing them. "MICHAEL!!" I hoarsely yelled out. I saw Michael jogging out of the front door. He saw the pained look on my face & picked up the pace.

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