Chapter 86: Their Story

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7:54 PM

The house was dead silent. Angel had left to go over her friend's house. The kids were gone & I was by myself. I was just waiting for Michael to come home.

I heard the front door open & I knew it was Michael.

"Alana?" I heard him ask. Now he know damn well I'm here my car outside. I heard his footsteps before our bedroom door swung open. He was smiling. "Hey bab-" he stopped as he saw my face.

My eyes were puffy from all my crying. My make up was ruined. All together, I looked unhappy. He walked over to me but I stepped back.

"Explain," was all I said.

"Explain wha-" I flung the papers at Michael as tears started running down my face.

"EXPLAIN HOW THE FUCK YOU ARE 99.9% BLANKET'S FATHER!!!" He looked shock. That was probably same look that was on my face like 3 hours.


"You must have thought I was fucking stupid. He looks just like you Michael. You thought I wouldn't fucking notice?"

"That's what you were-"

"Yes the fuck I was Michael." He looked so shocked. I just shook my head. "You don't have anything to say?"

"I met Mariah one day while she was interning at the Sony in 2000."

"Wow so it lasted for two years huh?"

"Just sit down and listen." I sat down on the bed because I knew was gone need to sit down for this. "We clicked instantly. It started off as strictly friends. We were platonic. But one night while I was in the studio, she came in. I don't know what happened but..." He sighed. "We had sex." I was already hurt but him confirming my suspicions made my heart hurt so bad I thought I would die. "And our affair continued as we maintained a friendship. However, she was starting to fall in love with me, and I... I had some feelings for her too."

"This just keeps getting worser and worser," I Cried out. He stepped towards me & I just moved some more. He sighed. "If you loved her why didn't you leave me for her?"

"Because I was in love with you & I wasn't about to leave somebody I was in love with again for somebody that I could lose feelings for at any minute." I scoffed. "So we called it off. We stopped talking. And it worked for a while till she called me and told me she was pregnant."

"That's why you wanted to adopt so bad all of a sudden." He nodded.

"Me & her didn't do anything for most of the pregnancy. But when she moved in, we started again."

"In our fucking home Michael?" I was trying to keep calm for now cause I wanted to hear the rest of the story. But hell was definitely coming his way soon. He nodded in shame.

"But by the time Blanket was born she was overwhelmed. So that's why she disappeared. She came back to Neverland when she snuck out the hospital & left a note saying that she couldn't take the pain of giving up her first child to me, a man she was in love with, and you, my wife, who she felt bad for cause you are amazing. She also said that she knew that cutting me off wouldn't work because she knew that neither of us wanted to stop so she left Cali." I took a deep breath & as when I let it out, I let out all my hurt, my anger, and my frustration.

The man I was in love with, the love of my life, my fucking husband was admitting to not only having an affair with another woman, but loving her too. He had a baby by her, and i've been raising him, not even knowing how he really came along. But it's okay, it's not Blanket's fault. That's still my son and my feelings toward him will never change.

I felt Michael's arms wrap around me & I quickly pushed him off jumping up.


"Alana I'm sorry," He said as his voice cracked & tears ran down his face.


"I didn't want to hurt you!!" He cried out.

"WELL LOOK AT HOW THAT TURNED OUT!!" I shook my head as the tears flowed freely. "I can't believe you. You had that girl in our house, in my face, around our kids, knowing you were fucking her. And you were fucking her for a good two years." I scoffed. "I'm done." I started walking towards the door but Michael quickly dropped down to my knees. He was crying like he was the one finding out the love of his life, the one he's been married to for almost 20 years cheated on him.

"Baby please don't leave me I'm sorry!! I love you she didn't mean anything to me!! Don't go please don't go," He cried wrapping his arms around my waist. I tried pushing him off me but he wouldn't budge.

"Move Michael," I sniffled.

"No I'm not about to lose you over this!!" I laughed, causing him to look up at me. His eyes were glossy.

"You are so fucking selfish," I spat. "You think I'm going to stick with you no matter what the fuck you do? I've been through hell and back with you yet this is how you do me. You left me before to go be with another woman, but this time you didn't even leave. You decided to have your cake & eat it too. And you think i'm going to stay? You don't fucking deserve me, you selfish bastard." He looked back down at the ground before letting me go & standing up out of my way. I looked at the ring on my finger before taking it off. "Spent damn near my whole life with you & you just threw it all away." I sniffled before looking at my ring. "Here." I handed him the ring. "Go find Mariah & give her this since she loves my leftovers." My tears started flowing again as I walked towards the door. I turned to face Michael who just stood there looking at me with tears in his eyes. "I want a divorce," My voice cracked & I ran out before I started crying hard in front of him. As I ran out the house, I could hear Michael crying loudly in what was our bedroom.

As soon as I got in the car, I broke down. I can't believe that after everything, he would do this to me.

And yet, even after finding out how he did me, I couldn't hate him. I still loved him more than anything in the world. And knowing that it would always be that way made me cry harder.

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