Chapter 64: The Understatement of the Century

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November 24th, 1995

4:08 PM

Alana POV

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Angel, happy birthday to you!!" We sung happy birthday to Angel as she cheesed looking around at her family. She was turning six, and since we didn't do anything big for her last year (because I wasn't messing with Michael) this year we decided to throw a big party at Neverland with all her family & a few friends from school.

We finished singing the whole thing & she blew out her cake, with everybody clapping. I smirked a little to myself before using two of my fingers to get some icing off the cake & wiping it on Angel's face. Everybody oohed & Angel playfully pouted looking at me. I giggled, but abruptly stopped when a big ass piece of cake got smashed into my face. Everybody started cracking up & yelling as I wiped the cake off my face, looking for the culprit.

The culprit, as always, was Michael. He stood there like he ain't do shit smiling innocently.

"GET HIM LANIE!!" Randy yelled out. I smiled wickedly as I grabbed a big ass piece of cake with my hand (luckily we had a lot of cakes because this is a big ass family) & walked towards Michael. Michael's smile had vanished as he slowly backed away, shaking his head.

"Don't do it Lanie." My smirk got bigger as I started running towards him with the cake still in hand. Michael started running too & next thing I knew, cake was being thrown all across the lawn of Neverland. I ducked & dodged as I continued to chase after Michael with the cake. Damn I forgot how fast his scrawny ass was.

I chased him over to the giving tree & he ran behind it. I tried to get him but he just went the other way.

"Alana stop playing!! I don't wanna play no more."

"You always starting something you can't finish." He stood up straight folding his arms, knowing what I was referring too.

"Ha. Funny coming from the one who refuses to talk about us."

"Not going to start this conversation today," I said trying to sneak up on him but he ran around the tree again. "Besides, we're most definitely not going to talk about 'us'," I made a quotation with my free hand, making Michael's eyes roll. "With Elvis Jr- I mean Lisa Marie in ear shot."

"Stop being mean Lanie," I rolled my eyes. "Plus, you wouldn't talk to me with her 10,000 miles away."

"You're right. I wouldn't." I tried to run up behind him but he ran once again. I stomped & pouted. "Let me hit you with the cake!!"

"If I let you hit me with the cake, you gotta let me sit you down & talk to you." I stopped & looked at my nails scoffing.

"You can kiss my ass with that."

"Why won't you talk to me?" He asked sighing. I sighed too, cause I was tired of him trying to get me to listen to whatever he had to say.

"Cause I don't want to."

"But-" He stopped, rubbing his face. I took this as my time to go in for the kill. I snuck up behind him & when he removed his hands to talk BAM!! I smashed the cake into his face making him gasp loudly. I instantly died of laughter. "LANIE!!!" I was cracking up. His face was hysterical!! I wiped my tears looking up at him & I saw him looking at me, wiping cake off his face with a certain look in his eyes.

"Oh shit," I murmured. He nodded.

"Oh shit is right." I tried to run but like 5 feet away from the giving tree, he caught me. I screamed, laughing & trying to get out of his grip.

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