Chapter 83: Blanket

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February 21st, 2002
12:51 PM
Alana POV

The news about both babies traveled fast. Within days, the whole world knew about 7th and 8th Jackson babies.

I am now  6 months along. So far so good too. We did amniocentesis and neither of the babies have a genetic problem. Yes I said neither. With my luck, of course, im having twins. A boy and a girl. But im not even stressing because I got this. Well I am stressing a little cause of these damn kids.

"JELANI PRINCE SIT THE FUCK DOWN!!" I yelled when I heard something fall where they were playing at. I swear these kids gon make me lose my mind. I'm not supposed to be doing all this yelling and shit. Now I got high blood pressure. Dr. Thomas got me taking medicine for the shit.

"Oop sorry Mariah," I heard Prince say. I quickly threw down the towel in my hand & ran out the kitchen. I saw Mariah rubbing her stomach as Prince & Jelani quickly scurried away. 


"It's okay Alana," Mariah said chuckling. "He did no harm."

Mariah is due any day now. With Michael being the type of person he is, he got her to agree move to Neverland for the last couple of weeks before Blanket is due. Yes I said Blanket. That's the baby's nickname. His real name is Prince Michael Jackson II. I don't know why I keep letting him name the boys. He's not naming  the next one. The man is crazy. 

"Imma beat his ass." She chuckled as she followed me back in the kitchen. Mariah was a very likable person & she was good with kids. So for the life of me I couldn't figure out why she wanted to give her baby up. Maybe since the baby's daddy wasn't in her life. It wasn't really my business though so I didn't ask. The only thing that was my business was the pained look on Mariah's face as she rubbed her stomach. "What's wrong?"

"It feels like really bad cramps."

"Baby those are contractions. MICHAEL!!!" Michael was speed demon cause within seconds, he was in the kitchen.

"What's wrong? Is it serious? Cause if it's about some food you gon have to starve cause im on the phone with Sony." I rolled my eyes. Michael had been in a big dispute with Sony ever since 'Invincible' was released. They hadn't given him his licenses to the masters of his albums, and boy was he hot. I was mad too, but he told me to calm down because he didn't want that stressing me out. He said it was his problem, not mine.

"Well hang up on they stupid asses. Baby blanket is on the way." His eyes widened as he finally looked at Mariah, who was doing the breathing exercises I taught her. He quickly ran back out & I heard him yell. "OKAY I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS MY BABY IS ON THE WAY!!" Then I heard a slam as he ran back our way yelling. "ANGEL!!! GET MARIAH'S BAG!! JJ PRINCE AND MAJOR GET YOUR JACKETS ON!! LET'S GO PEOPLE!!" He ran back in & Mariah stood up walking towards the door.

"Baby you got the keys?" I nodded. He was prepared to run out again.

"And Michael?" He stopped. "If you ever tell me imma have to starve again I will kill your ass. Don't play with me."

1:42 AM

Prince Michael 'Blanket' Jackson was born at 11:16 PM. 7 pounds, 6 ounces. He was so beautiful. When Mariah held him for the first time, she looked like she wanted to cry. She looked like she really wanted to keep him, but she just couldn't. Mama Kat came up here to get the kids, after checking out her new grandson of course, so it was just Michael & I. We had been standing at the nursery watching Blanket sleep. I laid my head on Michael's arm.

"You excited for our new child?"

"Of course. He's so beautiful."

"What are our other kids ugly?" He joked. I smacked his arm laughing a little. Then it was quiet as we watched Blanket.

"Mariah looked like she didn't want to give him up." He sighed.

"I know. But she told me that she thought it was the best decision for him."

"When she tell you this?" I asked looking up at him. He shrugged.

"I asked her about this before I asked her to move in." I laid my head back on his shoulder. "I think we need a big house." I scoffed.

"What the hell is bigger than Neverland?"

"Never never land," I laughed at his lame joke as we turned walking back to Mariah's room. We turned to corner to see nurses scrambling around yelling. I furrowed my eyebrows. One of the nurses ran up to us.

"Mr & Mrs Jackson, Mariah's gone." My eyes widened in shook as Michael struggled to get his words out.

"SHE'S DEAD?!?" He choked out.

"No," I let go a breath i didn't even know I was holding. And so badly did I want to curse her out for driving my blood pressure up but I kept my composure.  "But we went in to check up & she was gone."

"Well where the hell is she? Is she not in the bathroom or...?" The nurse shook her head. "Well doesn't she know it's unsafe? She had to get stitches for crying out loud!!"

"Is she anywhere in the hospital?" I asked before my husband  completely blew up at her.

"I don't know." That answer made me mad.

"HOW THE HELL DO YOU LOSE A PERSON WHO JUST GAVE BIRTH LESS THAN TWO HOURS AGO?!?!" Michael & I yelled. Literally do they not have cameras here? How did she sneak out if it's so many fucking nurses around & yet they didn't see her leave? Remind me to not have the twins at this hospital.

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