Chapter 87: The Final Curtain Call

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March 5, 2009
1:17 PM
Alana POV

"Alana," My assistant Lola said walking in my office. I took off my glasses.


"Chris just got charged for assault." I sighed rubbing my face. Lord this child was gon be the death of me. Chris Brown was a very talented individual, but I didn't know what was going on with him nowadays. He lost his damn mind & beat his girlfriend up, and its been down hill for him since then. Poor baby need some help.

"Alright," I said to Lola. She furrowed her eyebrows.


"Lola if you expect me to kick him while he's down I won't do it." She shrugged.

"If you say so."

"Any other news?"

"Ciara is currently doing her video for 'Love, Sex and Magic' with Justin." I rolled my eyes at the mention of his name. I couldn't stand Justin after how he threw Janet under the bus after that incident at the super bowl. Lola giggled at my reaction. "Chrisette is gearing up to release her album."

"Oooh!!" I squealed. I was excited for this. I had been waiting to hear her album.

"Yes & from what i've heard, it's amazing."

"Tell her to send me a sample." Lola nodded taking note of that. "Anything else?" She bit her lip & she had a look on her face wondering if she should tell me. "What is it?"

"Did you see the announcement?"

"For??" She sighed & hesitated for a moment.

"Michael's tour." My heart beat speed up at the mention of his name. I shook my head. "Well i'll leave you to it." And with that she left out.

Nobody knew why Michael & I divorced. But they knew that he was a sore spot for me. Even now, hearing his name made me want to cry from just thinking about what he did to me.

Once again, we had no direct contact. But of course it would be like that, especially since it was like that when we separated. Prince, the triplets & Paris are old enough to have direct contact with their father, so I gave them their own phones. Blanket & Neveah aren't old enough yet so that's the only reason Michael still has my number. Yes, I said Blanket. Like I said before, that is still my child. I love that little boy with all my heart and the mistakes his father made could never change that.

Angel started at Columbia in August of 2007. At that time she was not talking to Michael at all. I think she was more hurt than me. She loved & looked up to Michael a whole lot. She was a daddy's girl. That was her damn hero. And for him to do that to our family, it didn't really sit right with her.

I tried to reason with her, to tell her this was between Michael & I, but she said his decisions affected the whole family. I couldn't argue with that. Still, that is her daddy & she can't be mad at him forever cause no matter what he did, he still loved her & she was still his baby girl. However, Angel is still my child so she is just as stubborn as me. It took her a minute, but she started back talking to him. They working on their relationship now.

Really, only Angel, my father, Taty, her husband, Michael's parents & siblings know about the reason why we divorced. And whoever else Michael told, but I doubt that many people considering that wouldn't be a secret I would want to tell.

When I tell you Taty & Daddy were upset, man. It took a lot to convince them not to go whoop on Michael. Especially Taty's ass. So of course their brother-sister relationship is over.

Like Angel said, his decision affected the whole family.

I typed Michael's name into Google & immediately he popped up, of course. The first thing I saw was Michael's announcement of a residency show in London.

Michael Jackson Announces 'This Is It' Tour

Is the King back? Jackson announces new tour

'Final Curtain Call' Jackson says: This Is It

Why the hell this nigga doing shows in London? Let me check this shit out. I clicked on one of the links & they had a video posted. 

Michael seemed... different. He didn't seem like the Michael I knew. But if we're being honest, he hasn't been the Michael I knew for a long time. But this was a whole type of different. My gut feeling started to kick in, and it was kicking in BAD. And you know my gut is never wrong.

I paused the video & picked up my phone, immediately going to Michael's number in my contacts. I contemplating calling him for a minute, my finger hovering over his name. I eventually decided on just calling Angel. I still can't bring myself to talk to him.

Angel immediately picked up. "Mama did you see it?"

"I'm guessing you're talking about Michael's announcement?"

"Yes!! What is he doing? He seems weird mama, i don't like it." I leaned back in my chair.

"Me neither baby."

"I'm about to call him, i'll call you back." And with that, she hung up.

I sat back in my chair sighing. Lord please let my gut be wrong this time. This family doesn't need anything else bad to happen.

It feel like hours before Angel finally called back. When she did, I answered on the first ring.

"What he say?"

"He said he needed to do this & he assured me everything was good. I still have a weird feeling about it though."

"Me too," I sighed. "Is he still in London?"


"Well let me know when he gets back. I'm going to talk to him." It was quiet for a moment. "Hello?"

"Are you sure mama? Yall haven't talked in God knows how long."

"I can't sit around & do nothing. I've waved off my gut feelings too many times before & they escalated too far. That definitely can't happen again."  She sighed.

"Okay. I'll let you know when he's home. I have to go to my next class soon though. I'll talk to you later. Love you."

"Love you too baby." I hung up the phone & sat back sighing. I need to mentally prepare myself for Michael and the possible bullshit that is coming. I pinched the bridge of my nose. I just hoped I would be able to stop whatever was coming this time.

But, I couldn't.

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