Chapter 2; introduction to magic!

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Turns out, i really was in a world of magic! I just so happened to also be born in Buena village. I truly couldn't forget that town after having seen that show a total of 30 times at least. And that was fully! I had seen it more when it wasn't really "done" and then just read the light novel online. After half a year i had figured out minor words, like dad and basic conversations. How? Because after traveling to countries where i (foolishly) thought they could just speak English since it was basically a wordly language, u learn to understand basics when people talk. Truly something to be glad about. I had spoken faster than normal and so my parents were surprised. After finding a mirror, at this age, i could start to see hair and facial features. I had black hair (to your imagination to pick a style for Indra's hair) and blue- greenish eyes that also had snake like pupils. also my name was Indra, my parents name were Jade and Noah. both nice names if u ask me! Jade had black hair and green eyes. And Noah also Black hair and blue eyes. I was definitely looking like my made-up character from my novel and dreams, even the name's were alike! It was too soon to find out if i really was that character though... i had made up that that character had blue flames instead of basic orange- red like flame magic. I would find out if this was all coincidence that my birthplace was just called Buena village or not because i had no evidence of magic and was afraid to try to hit my head like Rudeus for if my mother didn't know healing magic or if it would still cause permanent damage. I had memorized the words i needed to say to do all magics though. Up to emperor class. I just needed to know what all words were in this new language and then i would be the prodigy that was even greater than Rudeus! And thus, after another half a year or so, i knew each word that was needed for basic water magic and up to king class. And thus, i said; "Let the great protection of water be on the place thou seekest. I call a refreshing burbling stream here and now. Water Ball." And thus, as i had hoped and prayed for in my head, a water ball appeared. Of course, i was just crawling and this water ball instantly splashed on the ground. I was just glad i wasn't in my crib. Otherwise, the whole thing would be wet and it would be pretty embarrassing. I had figured i would only do water magic for now, and after 3 water balls, just like Rudeus, i collapsed. When i woke up i was in my crib. I had to do the full incantation but after rethinking what Rudeus explained in the show, i had acquired incantationless magic a week after. Progress was going steady since i was young, and i could do 20 water balls at the end of that same week. The next step was to make them move. This was trickier because i mainly watched the show in wich it was vague about what i needed to do. I had it after a few weeks though and it was fun! Now the last thing, wich Rudeus never had explained, but i did want to do, was shaping all my magic. And this was going to be a little harder... atleast that was what i expected but after a month i had figured it out. Wich was faster than expected. Now i have thought about something. What if i combined the concept of manhwa and manga and so forth? So, i had combined the concept of collecting magic like the series, beginning after the end. This was just a project but i figured this was something that needed to be trained. So like a monk, i sat down and tried to feel the magic around me. I figured that absorption magic was closest to it and since i had a vague understanding of that after watching the show over and over i learned it! This took longer since there was no explanation to follow. About a year. Also, since i could now walk with this figure, i wanted to try something that wasn't easy. I already knew all magic up to emperor and God so along with my magic training i imbedded sword training to. Now, for some reason or the other, the beginning after the end explanation worked better. It truly was like 2 circuits that ran in one body! Or was that another show? Can't remember. But it doesn't matter anyway. The thing that mattered was that i had learned it. There i learned, whatever physical augmentation magic was. I remember it was called battle aura, it was like giving magic to the muscles to grow stronger. Like steroids but then infinite and not harmful for the body. Although i decided to not use it at this age because my body was still adjusting. Either way it felt weird to basically have a baby's body. I figured that i would start training the body i would do at 3. Either way i was now 2. My body wasn't fit but either way, i would manage. At this age i figured out one thing, i was a magic race! Or demon race, it doesn't matter. What mattered was that i was born with the laplace factor! That was a good thing for now, but having read what it does, i don't know if it is good in the long run. What was good is that i had gotten a demon eye. Right now, i would figure something out. After finding out i had it, it was finally time to test. Was i the character of my dreams? Was i nerfed? Didn't matter too much, but it would determine how i would get more demon eyes. Right now i had identification eyes, foresight eyes and all-seeing eyes. They were pretty much what i started out with in my dreams and my novel, but it could only be coincidence. What would i do to be 100%, no, 1 million percent certain? Use fire magic! Why though? Because in my novel it would turn blue, just like Dabi's from Mha or Rin's from Blue exorcist. I did it back then because it looked bad ass in my head. I had made it because blue flames are also stronger than normal flames and because it looked cool. In there i also said that it was unique to my character for it to turn blue normally without extra mana. Of course i had to test this out of the house for safety, and far too. So i ran. Sorry mom and dad i will come home! Here i was going to do 2 things. Test if Rudeus exists. If so, try to find sylph's house and test fire magic. First i had searched the planes with my all-seeing eyes. It was the first time i had actually used them and either way it was weird switching eyes. But it just felt... right in a way. It was weird i could do it at all but i gave it a few shots. Due to my mana amount at this point, i could use it a lot but not too far away. This range was fine though, and searching them was a lot like google, but then in your head. So i "typed" their name in my head and long and behold. They both were there! The thing is, i didn't want to meet them right away. It would stir confusion like, why are you here, why do you know where i life? And Rudeus, at this point, was definitely traumatized still from his school experience's. I would wait till i can meet sylph asap since i didn't want Rudeus to get her. I'm sorry Rudeus! But i truly want Sylphiette and Roxy as my wife's! I'm sorry, see it as a trade. I will give you info and tips on your life to still have Eris and Pursenia and Linia. Maybe even some others like sara? Only if he wants it... though how would i even pull that off? Doesn't matter i will give advice and that's all. On my own plan though, i figured i would become friends with Rudeus and Sylphiette. Sure i would eventually get married with sylph but forcing it at this age is futile and weird. I wouldn't do the "pull down the shirt" like Rudeus, even though this is major in their story, respectively, i wouldn't do it. I wouldn't want to come off like that. Instead i would talk about my plans of the future with Sylph. I always was good at thinking off and about the future. As for how i would get money, it would come later. However, how would i pull it all of? I would be seeing Sylph earlier. I wouldn't let Rudeus get the chance to safe her. Instead, i would make sure Sylph stays with me most of the time. This would make sure that she will be safe. Now as to make her fall in love, it would be trickier. I don't really know what her type is, but as far as i have read, she doesn't fall for looks. She fell for Rudeus because he helped her with not only magic but also "that fateful day" when he saved her. On top of that she fell for him because he was a very good friend even going as far as work for her tuition at Ranoa Magic Academy. Now to pull all of this off, i needed the ability to make demon eyes. Said easy but done harder. To even know if this existed i needed to see if this world was bound by Mushoku or if it was folowing my novel's story line. So, i chanted the fire magic to see once and for all; "Let the great protection of fire be on the place thou seekest. I call the bold heat of a torch here and now. Fireball!" And, either expected or not, i didn't know but... it.... WORKED! Hell yeah! Knowing that all, i could now move on to the next few steps 

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