Chapter 15 First mission

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Sleeping did get a lot easier. I was tired as shit after all. My mana was back, but king class magic does something to you. On top of all that i hadn't slept at all before that. Luckily i already had bad sleeping habits but those died down since i didn't have a consol to play on. Now i pass nighttime wondering how my kids were doing. I counted every one of their birthdays. (I am terrible at naming and even though it is a goal, i don't actually have children at 14 y/o) Rudy, yes i named him after Rudeus, was 54 at this point. I was around 78 when i died, can't remember, bad with dates. But children, you count those years anyway. You might know theirs better than your own. You want to escape the inevitable truth of you growing older, so you count their years because you don't want to count your own. See it as delusion but it worked for me. Anyway, there was no way of telling if that was their true age now. But as i counted that should be it. Yuno was 49 and Jullie was 45. I had this idea, always. 1 big brother since the 2 younger brothers should have someone to look up to, and the older should have someone to look after and 3 younger sister should be their cute one to protect. It was my image of the perfect family. I pray every day that my old children may become my children in this world too but then biological. I loved them that much. I had raised them with anime too so i hope an just hope. I will call them babies by those names anyway. Either for respect or nostalgia. One does not forget their own children unless by dementia and i was lucky enough to die before that process. I had always kept notes of their names in this world as well as the others just in case i would forget. Anyways after my quick prayers and all morning activities it was finally time. GUILD! Ah how i wanted to do this for so so so long. 

*Btw, yep, you guessed it. Future me! It's annoying to look back and get notes. But anyway, The names are written, but i am not going to write the age anymore. You will know when i give "My children" of this world their names. But the ages of the children are never mentionned. Speaking of age one thing i might have forgotten too was that i might have turned 5 by now and not celebrate it. Sorry! I don't know if that is true but it probably is since i only notticed birthdays existed right about where i am now *

"eh, eh, eh young one! You need to show ME your capabilities first."

 "ehhh really?"

 i sounded like an actual child this time. 

"Yes, u should." 

"All right, but then i want to show you what i did last night instead since i don't want to waste mana."

 it was true. I could show her but the fact i know where a town size crater looked like it was a day old and on top of that there was no stone, or anything left to show that it was a meteorite or smth. should tell her that i am capable of that atleast. 

"Ehm, last night?" 

"Yeah, i snuck out to try this new magic i made." 

"Wait what about guards?" 



"Asleep or killed." 

"Erm... what did your parents teach and feed you?" 

"Nothing. Or let me rephrase that, nothing out of the ordinary." 

"Still... kids your age shouldn't even think of adventuring. I thought i was just going to have to show you what it really was and then need to send you back." 

"Yeah, no. That is not how it works for me. I set my mind on adventuring a long time ago"

 probably before you were even born. Cause you look as old as my parents. And they are 34 both. 

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