Chapter 57 Baby boom

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Another 4 months passed. No key developments on Yuno, Jullie and Rudy yet... They were not crawling yet though it seemed they would make that breakthrough soon. Orsted did tell me to wait patiently until Laplace would revive. I told him that i had a idea so as not to kill him. Perugius also knew about this plan. I would not let Perugius kill him if it was the last thing i did. He resented me but could do nothing to stop it. I would kill him within secconds if he rebelled. I was going to let the demon god and dragon god combine again. Risky? No... it was purely by Human god's plans that Laplace was split. In a way Human God was the real villain. That's why i told Perugius that he could kill the real culprit but he said he can't take him. I can though so i will do it in his name. Anyway, next child born! Pursena's water broke in January 21st. This time i had no idea's for a kids name. I thought hard and though i did know the ideal name, that name belonged to a dog i had that wasn't even looking like Pursena. No floppy ears... Wait floppy ears? Yoda perhaps? I did have a dog called Yoda but he was by far the worst dog i had so that's a no. Maybe Pursena has a nice one? I don't know any... Klay? Nah not a good name. A dogs name... a dogs name... Rex! Rex! Yes! Wait... no again no floppy ears... hmph... Anyway why do i think it's another boy? Maybe... Camil? Yeah the best i can come up with. Let's see if Pursena has something better... I waited and waited on end until the door opened. 

"You may come in and hold her."

"A girl huh?"

"Yeah, got a name?"

"Camil maybe? But i was hopping Pursena can come up with it haha..."

"Yeah i can!"

I heard Pursena say.


That's... not bad!

*in mind again*

"That's good with you?"

"Sure mate"



"Yeah that's good Pursena!"

"I'm glad nano"

Then i held Eva. Not bad, not bad at all. A few days later Eris's was born. It was a boy.

"Hmph! What will you name this one?!"

Well, she wanted me to name him. So then... maybe a good swordsman? Zoro? Nah that would be a boy from Sylph with green and messy hair for sure... can't go with Arthur... or can i? No Arthur was blond... but does it matter? Nah, but i have a more suitable name. I mean, he did have blue eyes so it would only be suitable...

"Reinhard maybe?"

"Hmmmm... not bad! I like it!"

Then Reinhard it is! I hope he becomes a great swordsman... But now most women that didn't have children yet begun to have bumps in the stomach... Shit! Too many names! But if Luna and Delta had a child in the winter that was a girl it's going to be one of my favourite dogs i had. Kimi. But for now i had to make different names for all of these... Amber is 100% next so maybe... Osiris if a male? Yeah actually that clicked. I mean no offense but black hair and red eyes gave that. I know that the eyes can't become red but then it would probably be soul blue right? If by some chance it would be... No wait... Osiris fits more to Sahara's first male... Augh! So much choice's! Then Azrael. He was also a angel of death but he helped god in the process of death so he wasn't bad... Yeah Azrael it is then! Otherwise Laila. It meant night beauty. Fitting! I guess i should make a schedule...

Amber M Azrael 
               F Laila

Sahara M Osiris
                F Sarah

Delta M Rex
             F Reina

Luna M Rex or Bruno
            F Reina or Zinnia

Atofe M Ichigo
            F Akame

Roxy M Nagi
           F Rem

For most i got unoriginal just getting names from shows. But either way it was apperent that it was pretty much tradition to let the male pick the names. Pursena was the rare case where i didn't need to chose. Anyway, if i did get seccond children i now knew names! Naming was dificult. It always breaks my brain. But anyway it was fine. Anyway, months passed. Every child was now born and in 3-7 years i would like to go for round 2's. But for now focussing on what we had was good. For Amber it was a female, for Sahara a male, for Delta a Male (Rex was the choice), for Luna a female (Reina was the choice), For Atofe a male and for Roxy a female. After some more months Yuno, Jullie and Rudy could atleast crawl and were starting to try walking. But distinct features of all the boys and girls were;

Eva - grey hair (Like pursena's), blue eyes, ears like Pursena's
Laila - Black hair, green eyes. 
Osiris - Brown skin (The rest is white or a small colour), Black hair and blue eyes
Rex - Black hair and dark blue eyes with long ears
Reina - Black hair and light blue ears with long ears
Ichigo - Blue skin, white hair and dark blue eyes
Rem - Blue hair and normal blue eyes
Reinhard - Almost identical to Reinhard in Re:zero

I planned to give them a eye that can change colours when their 10 or so. It pains me a little that those with already black hair wouldn't get their genetics across. I might actually already give them... No wait that would be pain. I guess i will when presure points that kill pain are a thing in their bodies. I told the girls that plan and they agreed. Either that or they get blue eyes as well... And i don't really like Amber with blue eyes... Or maybe i do! No wait it would be like smashing Rei wich is a no. Actually some kids might grow up to like their half sisters or brothers... No! Wait no! I must teach them not to! But wait... my family moto is free will... FUCK! I countered myself... Just pray and tell them that i would prever them not to date eachother... Anyway! We got on through our months of these kids growing up.

* I also am going to decide that the children won't have specific age's. With that i mean that they will have ages but not specific date's for birthdays. I'm sick of counting days the whole time and then rechecking for who had a birthday now or not. As such i also won't mention any birthdays except the 5th's anymore. That doesn't include my wife's and mine since they were already told Indra wouldn't make a big deal of them anymore in the present part. And that if they did want anything then they should tell him. So that's that. You could also forget Yuno's, Rudy's, Jullie's, Eva's and Arthur's birthdays (If i did mention them) Since i won't use them anymore. As in i will not keep them in mind. If i say ... has his birthday now it is his or her birthday. Also as such ages also aren't going to be displayed. Is pains me a little to do that but it's just so much work... I'm so sorry! *

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