Chapter 29 First of the parties

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Okay, to set all birthday's in a row, here they are!

Indra 14 8th june (birthday) (same as before Reincarnation, Fate?)

Tris 18 13th december (birthday)

Sylph 14 10th April. (birthday)

Saharah 18 6th September (birthday)

Jueles 12 23rd September (birthday)

Rei 4 28th July (birthday) (birthday)

Amber 14 23rd May (birthday)

Delta 13 May 26th (birthday) (btw i wanted them to be gemini just for fun) 

Luna 13 May 26th (birthday)

Luke October 12th

Ariel November 21st 

Eris 15 March 21st 

*Last info on Eris. If you want to go chronologically you should read 32.5 though i have not yet made it rn rn. But there is no one caught up so it is okay. Also, i did remember Eris's birthday so i still got presents for her. Seems weird, i know but just go with it. I can't rewrite even more for Eris. Sorry for this inconvenience!*

*Also Eris won't be specifically mentionned in the parties. Sorry!*

I asked all of them. Luke gave them after asking everyone. He a real one for that. This could never happen anymore. Ages were all writen next to the name's (btw these are the ages of now. some ages might not add up but, again, i have made a document know with info). It was now a note deep inside my gate. Anyway, Rei's birthday was tommorow. I had also made figurines of our entire family, all Adjustable with swords for Noah and Me, and with a small replica staff for Rei. It was a pain to make it, but it was worth it. All katana's were detachable and able to put in the handle again. A real pain to do but after doing it for myself, Noah's was easier. It took weeks of tinkering. The pendant for Sylph, wich i initially was going to give at Rei's birthday, was also done. But it was Rei's birthday and in a way it was unfair to give extravagent gift's on hers. It was going to be a extra big celebration. That was for Sylph and Amber Ofcourse. Eris i had no debt with. I wasn't going to be at here 10th anyway since i was just helping her with the teleport incident at that time. Since Amber had a more expensive staff, i did not make a pendant. I am sure she could live with it though. I also made Exact replica's of Sylph and Amber. Don't worry, i did not use my x ray eyes so i could see the structure of the boobs or things like that. It was an idea, but it would be creepy. Then, i slept. It wasn't hard, this bed was not anything like my old one. When i woke up i had an estatic girl beside my bed. 


"Nah, ain't it like normal?"

Sorry! We had made a surprise party. It was a idea i pitched in.

"O-oh... Well, today's my birthday!" 

excited i see, SORRY!!! it hurt me. I directly wanted to say that but Ariel was standing beside the door. signing "No! don't do it!"

"I am sure it is just your fourth though. You know you have to wait for your fifth!"


She ran out the room crying. DAMN! FUCK YOU ARIEL! wait no, can't let anger take me... 

"Ariel... Can i please help the kitchen staff? I am a pretty good cook after all." 

"A-alright. I am sorry, we will keep her busy." 

"You better!" 

I actually cried. Oh well. It was just play pretend. I helped the staff well though. Putting each candle on there and preparing the icing on the, actually, way to big cake. Does Ariel not know  normal birthdays? I am quite sure she had bigger cakes but still. She rented a big facility for the party. After all, the palace was still too big a place. Wait, actually, thinking back at it, i have not heard if the murderer of the Prime minister was found. Oh no, wait i did! Tris framed a random guard she knew back then who had plenty reason to snap. Gotcha. Anyway, those are bad thoughts i need to think... What is this cake missing... OH! got it! A blue rose! even one would suffice! They were meant to simbolize "The impossible can be achieved" i learned that from blue lock. But i would need to live in my old world. No wait, any blue flower is rare and i can slather that meaning with it. Yep that was it. I ran to Ariel. 

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