Chapter 48 Hear the bells?

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one year passed and i have officially become an "Multi milionair" with the standards of my past live. I have made about 20 milion worth of Asura bills  and got to the point where the country was prospering so much thanks to me that we had to expand not only in amount of bills but also in territory. Demand for house's in Asura sky rocketed and thanks to my fast building i got to make 2 new teritorie's awhole. I also got the title of noble and was given a second name. Indra Ignius. Mainly because i liked the combination and after we were going to mary, every one of my girls would have that name. And after some asking i even got my own teritory wich i called Japan. It was unoriginal ofcourse but hey! If someone beside's Rudues recognizes that name, we would surely become a hub for people. Japan was prosperous and was designed just like Japan. I also made sure to get typical Japanese things incorperated like the start of Manga and Ramen and what not. As such it grew in popularity and became a bigger province awhole. It had great looks when it was blossom season. It was when trees turned the pink i loved. It was unusual and thus at this time of year people would visit much. Governing this new place also wasn't a big problem since i didn't have to do it alone. Luna, Sylph, Pursena and Amber helped me govern this place. Along with that we had a fine judgement system and Japan was almost entirely a different kingdom as Asura and was often considered it too. It was the biggest part of Asura too. It was all made with circle magic wich was another thing. It was said by many that i would soon start a school. It was all true but "Soon" was overexaggerated. After all, i was only planning to start a school when i was atleast 30. I wanted to enjoy my youth. And that's what i did at my 20th. Everybody was there and we had a blast. I told everyone that present's were not needed and they held up to that since they all didn't know what to give. Rei and the rest moved in too. And i made a teaching place for Gal and Alek to learn their ways to other's. This way Asura became the strongest place ever holding 2 of the great power's and one former great power in one place including the strongest. Badigadi went traveling but considering we also had Atofe, we were invincible. And that all in one year... It was a long work but i deserve these days.

*Btw this isn't the end even though the text might make you think it is. And another thing, since i forgot the Water god was in Asura don't count her as a strength of this country*

I had gotten pretty rings for all my, soon to be, wife's;

Desert sand looking rings for Sahara and Jueles

For Amber and Eris a beautiful Red

For sylph i went with green even though White might have suited better

For Pursena a white-grey ring

For Tris an Roxy a light blue ring

For Delta and Luna a Purple ring 

For Atofe a dark blue ring

And for me a turquoise ring.

I got my own ring since everybody agreed that having 11 rings would be impossible. With that being said, it was a pretty big fight on who would go first and who got last... No one wanted to be last except the one person who didn't care much. Sylph, before her was Atofe who also didn't care much and before her was Eris who wanted to follow Atofe but did want to go before her then before her would be Roxy and before her was Luna who didn't care much neither and before her was Jueles who also didn't care much aslong as it wasn't last then was Sahara and before her was Amber who wanted to go earlier but not the earliest then before her was Delta and before her was Pursena and thus, the first weding would be with Tris. This roster was made with 11 consecutive days, no rest all party. We held it at the Japanese house i made for us all. It was a blend between typical Japanese houses and modern houses. It was big, but was all one floor. I mean, if you think typical Japanese house do you think multiple layers? No, thought so. I set up an alter in the pretty big garden with bonsai tree's. I wanted it to be summer but at the same time blossom season. I couldn't pick but in the end i chose Juli since it was hot. I liked heat. Plus it was more fun then. I could relax and be happy. With that being said, mariages were big, but ofcourse we didn't have prayer's or anything. I had a guest list of;

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