Chapter 71 Dreams come true

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I dreamt of seeing the faces of my mom and dad after landing. Back in either live's i couldn't bring them anywhere. 

*I don't know if you have heard this story already*

Even though in my second live i was rich, it wasn't on time. It wasn't my focus anyway. But in this live i also don't want to be rich. It isn't a goal, i just did it since it was easy. But back in my first live, my parents were a bit annoying. Always complaining of not being able to bring us on vacation. I never got it! They had money since they could afford 4 cars at the same time but spent it ON those cars! And i know for sure they weren't cheap since they were oldies. Those types of cars are expensive you know? So we never got to go on vacation. Though they were also very annoying about it. Always saying "one day!" "Oh i wish we could bring you guys..." but the vacations weren't bad at all! I didn't care for them to much. I was a traveling spirit, sure. But i could go on the bigger vacations later! It was the hope they gave me at times. Like, "sure we can go later!" But later never came! It hurt! It hurt so gosh darn much! And what didn't help was kids around me talking about places they had been. Like this girl talking about Canada wich was my 2nd dream vacation spot! She seemed so careless, acting like it was normal! And what was even worse were my parents that had to tell story's of "oh see where my sister is at!" Spoiler, it was always around Asia. I WANTED TO GO TO ASIA SO GOSHDARN MUCH! Asia was my dream! Asia was my live for some time! I wanted to travel there so long and much! But they had to rub it in... But i knew it wasn't with ill intent. So i still loved them! I loved them for the great people they still were. Always shielding us, spending time and more. So my parents were loving and that's what earned them this vacation and that 20.9 milion dollars i made for them. I went for breakfast and after that i scoped the area a bit before my parents and sis were due to be here. When i got back i saw my parents already checking in. 

"Hey! I see you guys made it in one piece!"

"I-indra... Listen we need to talk after this..."

I see they have also seen the news... damn it!

"A-alright... is it about the latest news?"

"What latest news?"

Fuck! oh well they would find out anyway

"Ugh... i have a lot to explain."

Then i whispered to them

"I'm going to tell you guys the full 100 % truth though..."

After that we went to their room. I explained everything. The first live, the seccond the 3rd and the current

"So that's how i made that money for you guys. I'm sorry for lying..."

"No, all we got from this was that your a good kid..."


"You shielded us from companies that would and could take advantage of us. I can't be more gratefull. As far as i see it you are my true kid and always will be"

My mom nodded

"We always will love you. My other versions probably also taught you that"


"Then go on!"


Then after some more chit chat we met Amber and Pursena

"So... there are my wife's"

"Yes! And these are just a small portion of your wife's?"

"Yes and no. They are the most lovely people i know so they aren't all just a small portion. I make it work so that i can still give them 100% of my love all the time. So they aren't "a small portion". But they are some of my wife's."

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