Chapter 51 Armor can always be broken

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We got to the sky castle. It was about a week's walk. I was super confident now, not only can i not die, i can also use my own made heart technique limitlessly. I might just die "For fun" too! Think about it, i would be traumatized! My girls would definnetly try to cheer me up. Nah just kidding. I am the strongest plus my wife's would do "That" with me when asked anyway. I got to a town, dropped the girls and got to the sky castle. It could be said that i couldn't get up there but technically i could swap place's with the entirity of that castle. I wouldn't though

"Here we go..!"

I used a earth technique similair to when Rudeus lifted Aisha all the way up to see a escape route. I did so with earth magic, then jumping with battle aura and using wind to propell me to the caste. It worked! Now a way to get up... But i was, as expected, already attacked. I let it hit me just to make them underestimate me. It was Arumanfi.

"You are not allowed here"

"So you knew i wasn't dead"

"Hmph, you demons reek of immortality after all"

"Well your right, Then you do know you can't kill me anyway huh?"

"Yes but i can knock you over!"

He then punched me in the gut to supposedly get me off Chaos breaker. But i stood solid

"Look, i am walking to Perugius wether you like it or not"

"Just try"

He then punched me the whole time but i just got to Perugius before Arumanfi could do anything.

"Master! This one is quite strong!"

"Yes i see, but he is not only demon... A dragon too... Give me your name"

"Indra Ignius"

"I see, the Snake God then"

"Hmmm... i guess"

"Arumanfi stop, you can't kill him nor get him out of the way. This one is quite strong"

"Look, i will state my business. I am going to kill Laplace's demon side. I think you and i both don't want his dragon side to die"

"And what makes you able to asume i will let you steal my kill"

"Oh you don't have too! But if you decide to kill him before i do... I will have to kill you"

"What ill feelings do you have towards him?"

"None! In a way i guess he is my dad. But i just want to have fun battling him!"

"That is no reason good enough for me to permit you to kill him"

"Then i am going to force permision!"

I then hit him with a punch. But i was blocked by a dragon gate and 6 of the 11 spirits were now on my ass. 

"Whats wrong! Can't you fight alone?"

"Hmph! This is why i hate your race!"

"Too bad!"

I then swiftly killed all of the 11 spirits. All using the heart technique ofcourse


"No matter how. Summoning those will make you lose incredible mana. I get it if you want to summon Arumanfi but he will barely help."

"Hmph! I guess you are making this old man stand up!"

"Guess i am! What are you going to do about it!"

He then hit me with his fists in a speed i had never seen before. 

"I see... too can play that game!"

I then hit him but he put a dragon gate up. Fuck him!

"That won't drain me fast enough you know?"


I then shattered the gate and swiftly took Perugius's head.

"Should have listened old man! This wasn't even my full power..."

I then healed him with king class healing.

"You willing to listen now?"


"So! I was sent here by Orsted to retrieve your key to open the void! We will soon assault the Human god!"

"I-i see... Then the fact you are also part dragon isn't false"

"Not at all! I am a child between Laplace when he was a full dragon and Freya. Though i am not technically their child, i am the crystilazation of what they had intended."

"Then what is it they intended?"

I then explained everything.

"I see... Then you don't consider yourself demon?"

"I consider myself what is convenient. I took the best of both the demon's and the dragons after all. I might just want to combine Laplace into one again so i hope that you atleast won't kill him."

"But that man..."

"I will allow you to torture his Demon side, since i have means of keeping him chained with you, but i will not allow him to die. Not one bit. Because i think you too want the old Laplace back."

"Hmmm, it is true Laplace will come together when it comes to further goals... Fine i will admit it aslong as you hold that promise"

"If you will tell me more about Teleportation magic and more on Curses"

"Don't overestimate yourself! I will not give that info!"

"It's either that or death. Choose wisely!" 

"Hmmm, i can't give you knowledge on teleportation magic. Circle's are fine. I will make one for you. Or atleast i will show you what to do to combine them and i will give you a demo Teleportation circle. And i will tell you about curses. Deal?"


Over the past 2 weeks (and i did visit my girls each night) i learned how to combine Circles and i had to make a new demon eye to make one. It works like a camera but in your head. Now i have a permanent "Photo" to see how a teleportation circle is made. I also got info on how to put a curse on someone and how to break one after. I decided after to put a curse on myself to get the same amount of mana that my opponent does (If the mana doesn't exceed my own) It makes me able to have fairer fight with those i want to, and if i don't want to then i can just break the curse. It doesn't help me grow neccesarily but it makes me able to train combat without actually winning each time. It also makes me keep my touch. Winning against Atofe will now only be skill. To break it you just need to say "Break the curse i set". Thus you can only curse one person a time. It takes considerable mana to put a curse on someone strong but that's no problem if you put it on yourself. If it weakens you, it takes no mana. So that was good! I decided to try on Atofe and it worked. I had a lot more of a fun time. I also got the key so now i headed back to Japan. No changes were made. Exactly how i wanted it. I should also add that if i have no opponent at all, i keep my original mana. Anyway, in a week or so we got back to Japan.

"I got that key for you"

"Right. Tha-"

"Hey... I got info on curses too... Who gave you that curse?"

"Hmmm. I do not know"

"Good answer"

"I'm confused"

"Don't be. I will see you tomorrow teach"

"Yeah... i guess?"

It was true then. Curses can also be made without a caster. Or it was Hitogami. One can't now. So i guess i will learn from Orsted tomorrow. Now funny time with all of my women at once. I hope i am allowed to ask? It has been a month. With that, i got to home and indeed, i did "That" with all of them. I should have said this when the first time came around but... 11 women having "that" with me? New record!

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