Chapter 68 Leveling up 2

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In a days worth of travel i got to the United States, a.k.a. America. I would like to meet Thomas but that's for another day. When i got there there was... no gate. Just kidding. Though i did find one on the road. D rank. I went in. I could still gain skills from whatever was in here! Plus i would get the D rank gate's rewards. I had skipped one tier after all! So i jumped in without problem. I was pretty speedy now and i could also do up to Advanced tier magic now. 

"Here we go!"

I said. But when i got in, i just sucked all the monsters with Beelzebub. It wasn't on the news that Kamish was spotted. Maybe..? Naw, either way i would need to be stronger. But i could grind here for a bit... Yeah maybe i will! No, i WILL!

Cam, i know you can hear me


i will-

"Yeah i know, you will grow stronger here for a bit until you can ultimatly kill kamish for his skills."

aha... yeah i forgot you are always listening


well then. When i got to the monster i didn't suck it up. I killed it with my newly acquired swords. Then, after killing it and taking it's stone, i sucked it up. Yummy! It didn't help much but it helped atleast. Then i got to the end of the dungeon and got to Jueles and Sahara. But not before claiming my reward! This time around i got back my circle magic! Not as big as previously but still a moderate 20 meters. 


They yelled before jumping in my arms

"We have missed you so!"

"I did too."

"So you want to do it in the ass now or later?"

"Come on... these lewd jokes of yours should stop Sahara"

"I know... but it's so fun teasing you! So where are we headed?"

"You are to meet up in the mansion i have bought. It is enough to accomodate you all and me when i get back"

"Right... and when do you get back this time?"

"Well... months?"

It was true to a degree. I was going to Japan last. This had a timer though! End of march. Sakura season. I was going for Amber and Pursena in style!

"Expect me back by may."

"Alright boss!"

Jueles said

"No need..."


Jueles said. She was only mocking me. But after a few days they left for the Netherlands. I grinded some gates here. I did 10 C rank gates wich i stole ofcourse... but besides that i hit them up and became A rank. Though i could do B rank earlier better save then sorry. No red gate though! Wich was sheer... luck? This was all in a matter of days anyway. B rank it is! It was a gate resembling a swamp. It had small swamp rock creatures chasing me. I used beelzebub. Unlike before i couldn't just kill them with the sword. By now many mana crystals were lost. Rip! Anyway, when i got to the end, a big golem like monster was there. It was big but not strong. Basically A rank though. Eating this bad boy up didn't mean immediate S rank though. Or maybe it did? No... maybe? Noo... if i wanted to get S rank then i needed to beat a A rank Gate on my own and or eat some S rank beasts. Wich would definitly soon come in America. My reward this time was a Medium mana boost. Medium? No it was basically 5 % of what i had previously. It boosted me all the way to saint and close to King. Good! I still had magic, that was going to be my new way of killing these monsters! I would say that these were all pretty decent monsters. After clearing this gate though i got a new... achievment?

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