Chapter 45 Another's marriage seems to be dificult

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So, the post-man stood before our gate again. Hopefully with better news. This time i was alone, everybody had classes after all. But inside everybody was standing. I got the mail, and then the post man was gone. 2 mails were in my box. 1 was from Luke and the other from... Rudeus? I opened Luke's first

"I hope this letter meets you well. Last time we saw eachother we barely saw eachother after all. First off, thanks for giving us more of the paper money. That aside, Asura has begun to only use paper money, so we have begun with step 2. We would like it if you would visit again, since you would need to be here for your guidence. I am sorry for not telling you but you were gone pretty fast"

It was all true, i was gone pretty fast. Basically only dropping the cash. They didn't hate me for that right? Anyway study's were almost over. I would go after that. Then i got to the other letter

"Hello Indra, this time i come with excitting news! I am getting maried!"

Eh? MARRY?! No! If i brought my girls they would be jealous! But i have no choice i guess. I read on

"I also invite everyone else (Your girls) to come! After all you saved my family even treating my mother and healing her. I can never be more gratefull for that. I heard you also helped my sis, i don't know why you help me so much, but i am ever so gratefull for that. That aside, please do come."

The date was also on there. A month from now eh? I guess i have the perfect gift... One of my "drinks" If you know what i mean. Anyway, i went on to the room and when i got all the girls together again i started talking.

"There has come some good news! I hope it comes well with you guys too!"

"Just get on with it already!"

Atofe said and Eris agreed

"E-ehm, right. Then first off the good news, in Asura there has been a great development. I will have to go there after our study's and ofcourse i will bring you all with me again. We might need to stay there a little while longer though this time around."

"Right! Next!"

Eris said and Atofe agreed

"A-ah right... Please don't interupt me again though

"Ah oh right sorry..."

Eris was still nice in core

"Then in a month, so february, Rudeus is going to marry! So he invited us all to come there too. So please look forward to that."

"Hmm! Who is this Rudeus!"

"Ah yeah Atofe i guess you have never heard that name before. He is a great friend of mine. Also an ally together with me of Orsted"

"W-wait you are an ally of Orsted?!"

Ah i guess she didn't know

"Ah, i will explain later to you. I don't want to bore the other girls again"

"N-no! Your storie's are always fun! Please go on!"

Sylph said

"Yeah! I want to hear again too!"

Luna said

"Delta want to hear story more"

Then i went on with my story and when it was done i prepared some cooking again. I made Katsu with rice. That's right! Rice! I could now make it. Anyway, i also made a dessert, Creme brullee! It was already made yesterday since it needs rest, but it was good as ever! It sit well with everyone and i slept again. Sleeping alone was getting boring, but i couldn't sleep with anyone until i was 20 and maried. Then a month passed. Everyone was in their most beautifull clothes and even Atofe had decent clothing on. Probably set up by the rest

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