Chapter 41 Problems in Asura

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Almost a week had passed now. Pursena was now almost ready to come in our home. I had prepared a room for her and everything went great. I got to the dorm to pick her up. She was standing outside. She looked sad and frustrated.

"Anything wrong?"


"Any regrets?"

"None nano"

"Then let's go"

We got home and a delivery man was standing there... Unusual. Probably from Asura. I showed Pursena her new room, and Kaisel and Igris were licking Pursena all over. I guess she was good with them, but they were nice to everyone in house. 

"Now let's see... What is this mail?"

"Yeah, is that usual nano?"

"No not really, i rarely get mail unless from Asura but i guess there is something wrong since there was mail just recently"

It stated the following

"Dear Indra, It seems Asura is under hostage. We as a kingdom have been taken and as soon as this letter meets you, you have 4 weeks to come. Everyone is save, but if you want to help your "Ally's" It is best to come now. The strength demon lord has now taken Asura to meet this "Ghost of Asura" Who uses silent king class magic. You may bring anyone, but if you lose we will take you in as our next power house. Do come soon, otherwise Asura will be our new base."

Damn! That is some very unexpected stuff! To even get my name across to none other then Atofe is already a miracle! Though it isn't good, so i guess it's more a curse. It seemed that she had no intention of letting Asura go. I guess i will inform everyone i will leave yet again. But promise is promise so i will bring all my wife's. And when everyone was home i urged a "Family meeting"

"So... i have terrible news."

"Your going away again?"

Tris asked

"No, not at all, this time you all will come with"

"Then, w-what is the bad news?"

Sylph asked

"You see, seems i brought unnecesary and harmfull attention to Asura. So much so that it is now hold hostage by none other then the demon lord Atofe. Or the demon lord of strength

"T-then Ariel is in danger?"

Amber asked

"It seems so."

"Then just save her! What's the big deal?"

Eris said

"You see, Atofe is a very strong individual. If she actually tried i am not sure whether i could take her. But wanting to save Asura and in turn, Ariel i will have to fight. It might be so that she will ask me to join her. But if i do, i will not be able to see you guys for years on end. So choosing whether to fight her or not, seems to be quite dificult."

"W-whoa! But maybe... She will love you too!"

Sahara said... Excitely?

"W-whoa, first off, no more women. Second off, if she would join, we will live to be 1000 years old. Because of my spell-"

"Spell nano?"

"I will explain later, or on the way there"

"So you are going!"

Jueles said

"I will have to! Other wise i am a coward, and i think i will never see you guys again."

"Then, is it save to say you would lose?"

"No... I will not let that happen. But i won't ever take her as a wife either. Sahara, I don't want her. trust me on that."


Damn! She really wants her to join! If it was on her, she would let me marry the whole population...

"Fine... I am pretty confident none of you will want me to marry her after you have seen her. She doesn't fit well with either of you. Stating that, we will have a vote if she does ask. Just like with Pursena. But i hope you really don't want her..."

"We will decide that!"

Sahara said. Then i was considering it... But Atofe was blue! Not to be racist but that really is weird. I don't want that! But enough of that fantasy.

"Tomorrow we leave, we should make it in 3 days making haste. I will inform my parents. You do with yours if you want to."

"Then Delta will come with you!"

"Right. If you want to, come with me."

and as such i had a small group of women following me to my parents house.

"So... uhm, we have problems in Asura..." 

And then i started to explain to everyone.

"So brother will fight a demon lord?! So that means he will become an hero if he wins!"

"But it also means he will become a slave if he loses."

Iris said contradicting Ken's statement.

"Do you believe brother will lose?"

"No but i also believe he can't win against someone know for her immortality."

Iris was smart. She liked me, but i guess not too much. Maybe 10 wife's still weirded her out? I mean it would with me.

"That much is true. She is immortal. But she also admits defeat if she knows she can't win. Or when she admits it."

"Then do you say you can make her admit defeat?"

"Well, you seem to forget your brother is also very strong. I might be able to win!"

"That's the spirit my boy! Then come back victorious"

"Just... don't lose then alright? I don't want to lose my brother"

Iris was maturing fast. She knew what it meant for me to lose and there was hardly anything to gain for me. Except a favour from the entirity of Asura.

"Right Iris. Then i will come back in some months. Victorious!"

"You better!"

and with that, i slept. I was 17 now. Coming close to the 20 i wanted to marry at. I figured i wanted to marry with rings already, but what kind of rings would i buy? By now i had another 20 thousand of each bill, and that was going to last in Asura for a long, long time. Anyway, after dropping that, i would start making for my own kingdom. How would i populate it either way? Not on my own. That's for sure. But whom would i invite? I guess i would just want everyone to be there. No matter of race or stuff like that. A place where there was no nothing. Just hapiness and bliss. A perfect Utopia for my girls and me to live with pure hapiness. A save place... with that in mind, i slept.

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