Chapter 42 Enslaved or winning fame?

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Now this journey i could enjoy! Walking for ends on end proved dificult for everyone except me though. Even for Igris and Kaisel! That was good, i didn't want the femine body of Sylph or Roxy turning bulk. So i used the same strat as with the annoying couple! Only this time i got only love, and put them out of the eye when asked, or when we ate. Unlike Amber's parents, i actually wanted them at the fire when i cooked. Everyone loved it like always, and within 2 weeks we had made it to the portal.

"I know most of you have never seen my technique of traveling, but i use Teleportation circles. They teleport you places and thus i hope you will still feel comfortable while teleporting. I will use it first now"


everyone said in perfect harmony. It was time to go through. Everyone came, none felt scared as i had gone in before them. 

"Then we will arive in Asura a week from now. I know you are all tired, but again, you are free to come and ask to stay in my eye instead. It is comfortable there, so you won't feel any weird things happening. If you do, i will put you out in a heartbeat!"


Then, one week from that point we had made it. Good meals and strong bonds helped us get through even mountains. Teamwork was in my oppinion the greatest help. And when we came in to the town, it hadn't been destroyed, but it was so barren it might as well have been. I could feel thousands of people with my, now, 500 meter radius circle, but they were all so scared they wouldn't come out. One strong presence was obvious. In the castle, together with Ariel, it was "Her"

"Alright, stay in the old party house, i will come back there."

"No! We want to see the fight and support you all the way!"

Sylph said. I truly had great wife's. Better than a man like me deserved. I entered the throne hall but... Strangely enough, i felt like i could beat her. Nothing stood in my way now. I was going to win... 

"So! You came! Then let's battle!"

she came at me, but with my future sight i knew where she was. I now helt her head

"One moment, let the public atleast stay save."

"Whoa! You could see that? Rumours are true then!"

"About as true as you wish them to be"

I had now "Equipped" The two eyes i held as my key winners. I would only use Time stop if needed. I had 1 minute and 7 seconds with it at this point. But i wasn't going to use it! A fair win is what i want! As such, i only used the eyes i wanted. The teleport eye and Future sight. These were a great combo, and worst come to it, i would use Mangekyo and time stop to come out of this fight.

"Nice eyes! Then i take it you have demon eyes?"

"Aren't they what these things are? Let's have a rev. You there, the helper of Atofe. Make sure she doesn't lose to fast!"

"OHO! To think any mere 17 year old would take me as a fool! I can win against you with ease!"

Then a great aura came. I didn't flinch though and laughed

"Tell me! Do you want to hear a story of a man and another man who was immortal? He was stronger and told the other man that even if he healed, he would kill him again! No matter how much he tried, he lost over and over!"

"You... You better have last words! Say them now!"

"Alright, Girls, see this as my letting loose of these 10 years. I will win"

"Right! Go on then! Win for us!"

I had already told them i was a battle junkie. I didn't like killing but she was immortal! 

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