Chapter 35 Old comrade

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It had been 8 days since i left and with some haste, i made it. Then i had gone to Rudra.

"It is you! Old comrade!"

"Yeah, haha!"

"You have grown a little. Plus you give a new aura. Scary but still loving."

"Well i have engaged with 8 wifes so..."

"W-what! tell me more!"

and so i talked to him about it all.

"I-i see. It must be hard. Then you are here for the weapons in those stories huh?"


"Right, how much we talking?"

"Since i have better designs now, Let's see, 20 gold coins sound good?"

"For 11 weapons? No chance. 30?" 



and with that he started. I gave him the clay designs i had made 

*Again go to Indra_novel to see the weapons! I will post all weapons there but we are done now so that will only be in the real future. I might still post more there though, like content for my novel*

"Then, colours?"

we sat down for a few hours untill night came

"I see. i jotted down every colour. You also made lines for where you would want it to stop with that colour. 3 months it was?"

"That is prefered."

"Alright but i need you to round the money up then. I got to work on these very fast!"

"Fine... But make them the same quality as these!"

i pointed at my sword

"Sure, sure" 

with that time passed and i was done at dwarf domain.

"One day, i might come see you again when i am rich to become my kingdom's smith."

"So you plan to make your own place huh?"

"Yeah... One where i can protect the whole place on my own so no bloodshed is needed."

"I will consider it but i expect that that isn't for a few decenia."

"You are right but i plan to make it fast like i do everything."


"Then i see you later."

"See ya young fella."

then i left for Ranoa. 

*smol chapter again!*

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