Chapter 64 3rd time's the charm

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I was a new child again. By request i did want to be called Indra again. I was born as a kid again and my concience did tell me that i had to "Regain" my powers. It seemed to be the modern world all over again. It was basically my first live. Only now with the name Indra... what was going to happen? No quests from some Rpg popped up so i guess it wasn't one of those things... Or maybe it was but i had just not gained acces yet? Now i had even more knowledge of crypto's. I was going to make sure my dad was not going to have to suffer like he did in each timeline up until now... No burnouts, no losses of friends... No the last had already happened. He had lost his best friend. I knew that much, my mom told me that when i was younger. Though the only thing i remember was that he lived in Africa or something. Money wasn't the problem... if i remember right he died of a ilness. After that my dad supposedly called all his "friends" in my eyes, partners. Even i could tell he was always thinking ahead. Through my 2 lives on this earth i have not seen what were his true thoughts. I knew he was never allowed rest though. Each year something bad happened. Some good things happened too but as to counter them something bad happened. Those days i turned to god to find them but never did. But i was going to stop those encounters with bad luck! Some where money related anyway. But some where related to betrayal. From my pov he was betrayed 2 time's. Once he worked for a company, i am not sure what he did wrong but he allegedly made a wrong turn. That was all a facade though. I don't even know why he got sued but he never did anything wrong. Either way we couldn't pay whatever sum they told us to pay anyway. So it was lucky that my dad was pretty good at proving he was right. The second betrayel was actually by the dad of the person i beat up. The main dude ofcourse. The one that started it. Ofcourse it wasn't because of his dad that i beat him up. He was just an annoying fuck before that. But his dad did something way worse. He "Invested" our money and behind the scenes spend it all. I don't even know how much he stole. No one does. Or maybe my dad does but i never found out. I will stop those pains from happening. No matter what! So goals in this live are;

1 Become even stronger and regain my ability's too. And hopefully some more too.

2 Live life with my girls and thus, find them

3 help my dad get rich and shield him from pain

4 help this world with whatever problems it has

Assuming this world had problems anyway. But my days were spend easily until i could "Talk"
Ofcourse i already technically could the day i got out of the womb but actually being able to use the vocals is different. When i was able to talk i just grew an "Interest" in dads work. Ofcourse i had far surpased him technically but i still grew a interest in order for him not to be suspicious when i get a good move on him

"Dad! Can i please bowow book of investing?"

"Haha... if you can understand it, there are some on my shelves. Here is my phone to watch some video's too!"

My dad was kind. The world did him wrong though. But now that i had his phone, i did some "Research". I actually downloaded a app for investing and spent around 3000 to put in Bitcoin. 

"Haha, can daddy have his phone back now?"

I might get scolded, even beat but i didn't care

"Sure dad!"

I got 100. After all it was around 2014 and 2015 where the price dropped. Many thought it was done for but they were wrong. 1 Bitcoin cost around 30 bucks at this time. 

"K-kid... did you happen to download one of the things in the video..."

"Yes... why did i not make good move?"

"W-well... you see"

He then got down

"The price plumeted! That's bad!"

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