Chapter 72 Unfair rivalry

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The days were happy. Occasionally we were asked by the Netherlands to do gates and i did. Only up to A rank though... but S rank never came in this country anyway. Those dungeons were super easy though... Oh well. I gained some power... though not much. That was fine... Sung had made progress though... He was at the jinwoo training arc. Soon i need to go get his powers as well. I don't really know why... But my race has also changed to slime. With that came the ability to change into anything i had "eaten" with glutony. Though on top of that Cam made it possible to get my past version of myself too. So i can change into my past version too. But Cam was even better... she also made it so i can alter certain traits. The only i one i wanted to change was my age. I would still die around 100. With that being said though, i did the ritual with all my girls again... we got a preciser date. It was 86. We would live to 86. Not much but it was... decent. Eitherway the next live we would live to another age probably. Until eternity had struck us with permanent death! It seems my concience had also given me a better mind. Because i know for sure i didn't have good memory keeping ablilitie's... Though now i can recall anything... That's good! With that being said i remembered to also open my gate. Who knows..? Maybe i still have my old gate!

"Gate... open"

And yes... it opened! What was the stuff in here? Let's see... Swords... a... scythe? All my cooking materials and everything needed to make weapons... Amazing! All the swords were of high quality and... Kajakut's sword was also in there! I almost got scammed! Good for me that i chose the weapons i am more familiar with... but i remember i had made a scythe before my passing! Yeah that was it! It was my unfinished master piece... i had learned smithing out of boredom in my past live and i was at one point regarded as the smith of the... centurie's. The creme de la creme of smithing. But this was my one unfinished project... It looked good though. Just a little finishing touch is what it needs... I then begun smithing in our garden.

"Yes that's it! If i do this then... oh yeah! But if i do that then the rest becomes... oh but i can fix it with that!"

And such words were said for a while. My focus was top. I didn't nottice i had worked until the next day started... But it was worth it! With the new steel i had made the scythe was both light and strong. It was pretty much titanium but then even beter. Compressed until it was pretty much unbreakable... It had a snake like touch. Good! Snake god was still my prevered title ofcourse! I tried it out. Though a scythe isn't meant to be used as a weapon and thus, there are no techniques to be used whatshowever. Only technique is swinging it with full strength and switching the center of your balance constantly, almost making that center where the blade is, to perfectly get a strong swing. This would be my main weapon! If you keep using what is comfortable you will become dull after all. I gained even more strength thanks to this. Atofe wanted to battle and i couldn't say no. In her demon form she was still imortal. 

"Come at m-"

But i had already sliced her... a good weapon! But she just regenerated.

"Woah! That's a good weapon! Let me try it!"

She asked


I threw the scythe at her. I turned into my slime self since i couldn't make it so that she could kill me. 

"Hit me with your best sho-"

But just like i did to her, she sliced me. Though she kept slicing! She had repeadetly cut me. Until at one point she stopped. I finnaly regenerated after 7 minutes of slicing. Thank god this body can't feel pain!

"You done yet?"


Then we went on with our day. Nothing else came up so i was feeling pretty content with myself. But when i checked on Sung... it was time to go to korea...

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