Chapter 37 First days are always chaos

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I got woken up by a small voice... i knew this one! It was Sylph

"Good morning! D-do prepare for school now, we will leave as an group in 20 minutes. Okay?"

"I would like that Sylph"

Then she left, and i put everything on of my school uniform. Right! I knew how to do this! Then we all left with eachother and there was a small war on who was going to sit with me.

"It should be me! I know the most of detoxification!" 

Amber claimed

"Yeah but i know more of Magic circles!"

Jueles said, wich wasn't far from the truth. She did know the most. She was the most balanced but unlike Sylph and Amber hadn't actually made it to Saint.

"B-but i want to sit next to him too!"

Sylph said in that cute tone

"Yeah, it is unfair to hog him just because you know a little more on the subjects!"

Luna said in a little fight like manner.

"Girls, to not have a fight, i will sit next to none of you. No one left out and no one mad"

"Awh! But that's not fair! What if you sit next to a girl and we will get a 10th!"

Amber said and everyone agreed.

"Then i will sit next to a boy"

"A-alright if that is what you will, then do that."

"I am sorry but i don't want any sad girls or a fight. This is the best way." 

everyone agreed, though they were a little bummed out. Anyway i entered class a little later then the girls. I had to introduce myself

"Come in!"

i heard, and i did

"H-hello! I am Indra, i will join you in these studies."

"Right, then please take a seat Indra."


i sat next to one of the only boys.

"Hello it's nice to meet y-"

wait... This wasn't him right... It was! Rudeus was sitting right next to me!

"Hmm? What is up?"

"N-nothing! But i guess since we meet for the first time, you don't know me. But i know you."

i had made no efforts before to see Rudeus. But i guess one way or the other he found his way to Ranoa again. I probably had not made any change in his story except the absence of Eris.

"Oh, how do you know me then"

"I am the one who wrote the letter for you not to go to Begaritto. But i think someone already told you that."

"H-how do you know that?"

"I am one wich Hitogami probably warned you off. I am a ally of the dragon god."

"Then we are enemy's?"

"Not if you don't want to be. The human god manipulates you. I can promise you that."

"Seriously? Then how can you prove that?"

"I can't but if you do trust me, and in turn become an ally of the dragon god... I will save your mother and cause your dad not to die. Do you take this offer?"

"Orsted already asked me for a alliance. I did accept after he explained everything with human god."

"Right. That was because of me. I made him even try to civilize with you. Otherwise he would have killed you on that same spot"

"Then who are you really?"

"Maybe one day i will tell you. Anyway, are you in a relationship with anyone?"

"Yes her name is Sera."

"Right. Then i would really advice you not to go. In mating season, you might even get a relationship with the cat and dog beast people. I know you know them."

"R-right... what if i don't?"

Maybe i would take them myself actually. No wait, 9 was already way to much. Even Pursena was too much.

"Ehm, i actually am engaged to 8 people... So i can't take them... Do as you will."

"Oh... Wait, 8?"

"Complicated. Just move on with the lesson"


the lesson was boring. For me atleast. Luckily i saw everyone i loved jotting down the scripts and working. Those who wanted too had also taken lessons on different subjects, But they also insisted on taking the same course as me too. Such loyal and hardworking wife's. But the rest of them was also hardworking but then home. Either training or doing something different. I am sure. Then the next lesson came in. But in the middle of it all, I felt something happening in my Gate. It felt weird. Maybe the eggs were finnaly coming out?! Could only mean that.

"Mister! May i please go!"

"What? In the middle of my lesson? For what reason?"

"Please! It is complicated!"

"Then you may not. Sit down."

i now didn't like this Magic circle teacher.

"T-then bare wittness! Gate open!"

i took the eggs out and long and behold, a few cracks had started apearing.

"W-what in the world is th-"

too late they came out. They were small dragons. Very smooth in texture. Scale's weren't hard or anything. Probably because they were just today years old. Everybody came at me and i was sent to the principal after.

"Tell me, why do you think i sent you here?"

"I think because i hatched 2 dragons who are also species never seen before?"

they were almost like the dragon in the beginning after the end but then with blue instead of white. Blue like the summoned dragons of Sung jin woo in Solo leveling. So i named them Igris and Kaisel before i got to the principal.

"Correct! How did you know?"

sarcasm spouted from here mouth.

"B-but summoned beings are allowed!"

"I think this is a special case... you know we can't allow litteral dragons here."

"But i don't even live on campus! But then if i can control them, will you let me keep them?"

"*sigh* If you can control them, you may."


with that they both sat. I guess they really were still obedient since i was their owner via summoning

"What in the world..!"

"They are summoned! Really!"

Then i explained and after i left i was seen as "the man who summoned dragons" And Rudeus was now "The man who sat next to the dude who summoned dragons" then my school live went on.

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