Chapter 24 First mission for Ariell!

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*Btw side note... i spelled Ariel wrong the whole time! I am not going to change it, she now is just going to be Ariel or Ariell. You will see. Pls don't complain! *

 It was a nice day as usual. Nothing out the ordinary, i had regained my strength and was now just walking around this massive garden. Luckily this castle was so big, but i have the feeling everyone will have to move when i am 15 and we move to Ranoa. I have now turned 13. Big age! I wanted to do something. Fight some bandits maybe, save a pretty girl and let her join too for the 7th spot. If everything went well OfCourse. I was just irresistible. 


 i just sniffed a rose. Nothing fills the joy more than a replenishing walk in a garden. I was met with a small water way and a stone in the middle. Budha meditation type shit. So, i sat down, closed my eyes and wanted to see how to grow my mana. 

"Let's see..."

 i murmured. Well, first of all my mana had grown from forcibly putting more mana in. A decent amount too! I guess not using mana for 2 years to let it grow did help. I guess i am now around Emperor level? I had made an inner deal with myself not to overestimate myself but i did have a hunch i was starting to get to that level. But how could i expand my mana even faster? It seemed as if our body's just held mana in the core, meaning your heart. It also seemed that you generate it yourself. I see! Then what i have been doing is picking up remains from already used mana! It seemed as if it was really just a second blood vessel. It was pumping mana though so that means that your heart creates mana. So, in order to get more mana faster, you would need to force your heart to go faster. Makes sense. But i could make that happen with mana too, right? Yeah, i definitely could. Constraining muscles to expand was a thing i already could do so it must be so that i can also make my heart go faster. And then the Laplace factor just made the progress of gaining mana smoother. Then, i was all wrong! The Laplace factor isn't limited! I still can go faster but because i have so much already, it gets harder to get more! I could still use God class magic later, but it would take me several years! Then normal humans can't get past King class because they can't replenish Mana fast enough. Unless you're a demon OfCourse! Then it was a manner of experimentation. Was it faster to gather mana and grow my mana capacity that way or to constantly use mana to restore it and expand that way, wich only really works since it makes the body a stronger vessel that makes me able to compact mana better! Since a body can't normally hold massive amounts of mana but instead compacts it in one big ball of mana wich can be used as a reserve! Then in that case either way training the body to hold more is more effective. 

"Alright let's do that then"

 i murmured. 

"Do what?"

 a voice behind me said. I instantly shot out of focus almost a little scared for a second 

"Geez, you are easy to scare!"

 Ariel was standing beside me. 

"Thats because you shouldn't sneak up on someone who is deep in thought!" 

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, i have 2 things to ask! One comes later, but for now i want to see your swordsmanship!"

 "Oh yeah, i forgot" 

"Luke wants to see and feel with his own eyes. I would request you showcase the top of your swordsmanship only. Against him that is" 

"You sure? Even if i hold back i can't leave him unscathed!" 

"Yeah, that's fine."

 and as such, i was standing. Luke in front of me, doubtful and also, maybe a hint of anger? 

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