Chapter 51🔞

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Freen's pov

"No, i love what i see" she said and came in for a kiss. She broke the kiss and looked at me.

"You are mine, Sarocha and I don't share" she said. Damn she's so fucking sexy when she claims me as hers.

"Yes baby, I'm yours" I said and she smirked.

"Remove it" she commanded. Damn sexy. I removed my sports bra and i saw her her eyes went darker. I know mine are still dilated cause she still naked and she's so fucking hot.

Her face was now closer to my neck. She kissed my neck and I know she's gonna leave some hickeys. And I'm not wrong.

"Bec" i moaned when she started to suck. I felt her smile and she started to suck hard after hearing my moans.

"You are so beautiful" she whispered against my skin and kissed my valleys.

She kissed my boobs and did everything I did to her boobies. And that was fucking amazing. I Was literally on cloud nine. Damn my baby is a fast learner. After she was done with the boobies she looked at me.

I went for a kiss. Now we both are sitting up. I slowly kissed her shoulders and neck. She tilted her head giving me more space. I pinched her nipples and she arched her body. Now i could feel her wetness on my thighs. And I'm more wet after feeling that.

"I want you" she whispered. I nodded my head and made her laid down. I was gonna go on top of her but she stopped me.

"Naked now" she said and i smiled. I removed my shorts and panties. I saw how her eyes bulged. She gulped and asked me to come to her. I got on top of her and she pulled me for a kiss. After the kiss she got on top of me. And I was laying my back on the bed.

"It's my turn" she said and got down to my pussy. She kissed my thighs and kissed my pussy. She's doing exactly how I did.




She made a moaning mess. She was so good, that i felt myself ready to cum any second.

"Bec, i'-im gonna c-cum" I said and she increased her pace with her tongue.

"Ahrr" i cummed and she licked my cum. After she looked at me and gave me a naughty smirk.

"You are so damn tasty" she said and winked. I blushed but she kissed me and i tasted myself.

I turned our position and inserted my fingers without warning. Her hands were on my shoulders and she's scratching my back. its gonna hurt more in the morning and it will surely leave a mark.

I thrusted my fingers and looked at her.

"I'm gonna add more" i said and she nodded. I inserted another finger and her grip on my shoulder was tightened.

"Fuck, it feels so good" she moaned.

"Moan my name baby" i whispered

"Ahh daddy" fuck the way she calls me daddy. I never had a kink for daddy word. But hearing it from her. Damn it feels so damn good.

"I'm gonna c-cum daddy" she moaned again.

"Cum for me baby girl" I said and increased my pace. She was so fucking tight. And i could feel that she could cum any second and she did, while moaning my name. Damn I wanna hear her saying my name all day.

I fell on top of her, we both were catching our breaths. After some seconds we both calmed down. I was about to get down from her but she held me closer.

"Don't move, stay like that" she said. Her eyes were already close. I know she's tired.

"I want to lay on top of you too, but in the morning your body will hurt, so I'll lay beside you and we can cuddle " I said and she nodded.

I laid down and we both were facing each other. I snuggled closer to her my head was on her chest. I held her tight.

"Sleep well my love" I said and kissed her heart.

Becky's pov

I woke up and felt something wet on my chest. I looked down and saw Freen hugging me tight her face was on my chest, and one of my breasts was still inside her mouth. I chuckled at the scenery.

Yesterday was one of the best night, I've never felt this amazing and whole. I'm glad that it's with her. Damn this women is making me crazy.

I saw her slightly moving and she bit my nipples.

"Babe" i half yelled, she opened her eyes and grinned.

"I love waking up like this" she said and i rolled my eyes.

"What, I know you love it too" she said and smirked.

"Good morning baby" she said and kissed my temples.

"Good morning to you too teerak" I said and pecked her. She chuckled and mumbled 'cute'

"How do you feel, do you feel pain anywhere" she asked and concern was written all over her face.

"Yeah i am, just a little pain. But yeah I can manage don't worry" i said and poked her cheeks.

"Just tell me if you want to go anywhere, I will carry you everywhere" she said i chuckled.

"Don't laugh, I'm serious. I will carry you if you have any difficulties. I'm responsible for you and I will always take care of you" she said and caressed my cheeks. I smiled widely at her.

"Hmm, why don't we start with taking a shower. Carry me to the washroom and we could shower together " I said and she stood up.

"Your wish is my command my lady " she said and carried me.

"Here we go" she said and we were on the shower

"Does it hurt" she asked and i nodded

"I'm sorry, it's gonna be ok" she said

"Don't be sorry, it makes me feel like you regret what happened yesterday" I said my thoughts out loud

"No way, I don't regret. I want do it everyday with you if it's possible. I just don't like the idea of you getting hurt that's all my love" she said and i felt butterflies. Damn she's making me fall harder.

"So how was your first time, did i do a good job" she asked and i blushed.

"You did amazing" i said while blushing

"I'm glad you liked it" she said

"How did you learn this, you were so good yesterday" I said.

"You can say that I have some experience" she said and smirked.

"Oh" that's all I could say.

"It's getting cold, i should dry up. Take your time in showering" I said and went out.

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