Chapter Eight

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Running through the woods with a limp as fast as I could, stepping on twigs that snapped beneath my feet, I continue to run. Running away from my mate who was chasing after me.

Hearing her heavy footsteps through my heavy panting. Dodging trees and branches like it was nothing. Like she was a hunter and I her prey.

It didn't take long for me to collapse. Heart pounding against my chest with lungs greedily filling themselves with delicious air with such speed that I began to cough.

Gripping my shirt, tears in my eyes, the sounds of my mate's running was gone and all was quiet in the woods. Slightly regaining myself, I turned to look behind me and didn't see her.

Hearing a small twig snap, my head shot forward and there before me, blocking my view were a pair of legs. The freshly-baked bread mixed with bacon scent filled my scents.

Taking in a deep breath before looking up, I saw my mate staring back at me. "Why did you run from me." She growled, but I could hear the hurt in her voice and it broke me.

Standing over me, looking down at my broken, panting self, her eyes softened. After a while of not answering, she raised her hand which made me flinch away, shutting my eyes and waiting for the impact of a hit.

A hit for running away from her. A hit for making her chase after me. A hit for not behaving. A hit for not answering her. "I'm sorry. Please forgive me." My head lowered slighting and everything was quiet again.

Waiting, a giant, rough hand softly gripped my chin and forced me to look up. Just by her touching me, I calmed down. "Look at me, mate." Hesitantly, my eyes slowly opened, meeting her red ones. "Why did you run?"

The time, I had an answer. "I'm afraid." She frowned, the blood from the rogue whose head she tear off was still on her cheek. "Why?"

"Because Alpha said I wasn't good enough for a mate." The words slipped out as I remembered what Alpha said to be when I was a small child. Words that have terrified me ever since. "That, they will reject me when they find out that I'm nothing but a filthy runt."

My eyes widened when she snarled and a deafening growl echoed through the trees which made me cover my ears. Why is she so mad? Is she angry with me? What did I do wrong?

Feeling arms wrap around me with my head now against my mate's chest. All my worries disappeared.

I opened my eyes and realized that my mate was now on her knees, embracing me like I wasn't filth. Her grip tight but gentle at the same time.

"Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine." She repeated with much possessiveness to that point that she was shaking. "You're mine."

Sitting there, shocked and confused, I slowly hugged back. Not liking that my mate was in distress.

My arms were too short to fully wrap around her enormous body, so I just rubbed her back. That alone managed to make her relax and after a while of us embracing each other, she finally calmed down. No shaking, grip no longer tight, and was relaxed.

Pulling away from me, I frowned at her which made my mate slightly smile.

"My mate." She groaned softly, leaning back down until her forehead met mine. Feeling the sparks, my cheeks turned a bright red. "You're mine, and I am yours."


She nodded her head, pulling me closer. Rubbing her forehead against me. "Mine. My little mate. You're never leaving my side. If someone other then me touches you, I'll do worst than just simply ripping their head off. Much worst. You're forever mine, no matter what anyone says."

Her face moved from my forehead down to my neck. Leaving a trail of kissing alone the way. When she got to my neck, she kissed around, making me whimper in pleasure until she found a spot that made me moan when kissed. So embarrassing.

I felt her smirk against my skin. Moving closer, she began sucking that spot. I gripped onto her broad shoulders, my legs rubbing against each other, trying to get rid of the heat that was forming in between them.

Feeling her lightly nibbling that spot, my eyes widened when she began to bite a little too deep. "Wait!" She paused. "I-I'm not ready." Don't mark me yet. Please.

She didn't say anything for a moment, which made me nervous. Rogues don't take too kindly when people, especially lower ranks, tell them what to do. Someone usually gets hurt. Or end up dead.

But then, she pulled back. "Alright. I'm not gonna mark you. Not until you're comfortable enough." Giving one more kiss, she pulled away from me. Standing up and taking a step back, giving me space while she panted. Rubbing her neck.

My attention turned from her to the big bulge I saw in her pants. My blushed returned, worst then before, and I covered my face. My mate, chuckled at my embarrassment.

Holding out her hand, I looked at it then at her. Her small, bright smile beaming at me which made me smile too and I happily took her hand.

She helped me to my feet. Just as we began to walk back, I began to feel lightheaded. And soon, my legs buckled from beneath me and I collapsed. My mate was quick to caught me and I fell into her arms. What happened?

Seeing my mate pull away and look down at her hand, eyes wide. Turning my head, I saw blood covering it. My blood. Oh, I forgot, I'm still injured.

Now that I've remembered, the pain hit me twice as hard, especially my foot considering I ran on it, and a groaned escaped me.

My eyes closed from the pain. When they opened again, my mate was staring at me with fear. Worry.  She was saying something but I couldn't hear it through the ringing.

That was the last thing I remember before passing out.

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