Chapter 50 - Vanished Village Pt. 3

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Standing in the woods in front of the cave, the four guys pull out and ready their weapons. Three creatures charge at them from both sides. 

A fight ensues. But it's short lived. Despite their best efforts, the creatures soon start overpowering them. 

One of the creatures slams Luke straight through a tree, hitting and tumbling across the ground as he drops his two batons. 

When Jason tries to help him, firing an arrow into the creatures back before exploding, another creature slams into him before he can react. He goes flying forward, hitting the ground with a thud. The creature then picks him up and slams him back down onto the ground, causing him to let out a yell of pain. Mark strikes one of the creatures rapidly with a few attacks before it catches his sword, picking him up and throwing him off to the side. 

Caleb watches all of this, trying his best to hold off two at once, but it isn't going his way. One of them grabs his staff before the other slams him with strike, making him let go of the staff as gets sent flying off toward the side, hitting and tumbling toward the entrance of the cave. Watching as the creatures toss his teammates around a few times, his eyes start glowing with a tint of red. Embers start floating down from them. 

All of the creatures immediately stop, looking toward Caleb. He reaches his hand out toward his staff as the creatures all come charging toward him. The staff comes flying into his hand as a shockwave pulses out from him and it becomes engulfed in fire. 

He throws his staff and it spins through the air, piercing through and cutting the creatures in half, burning their bodies to ash when they drop to the ground.

Caleb then collapses to the ground as his eyes and staff return to normal. 

Mark winces in pain, taking one look at Caleb before quickly getting up, pushing through the pain. 

Mark: Caleb! 

Both Jason and Luke start pushing themselves up, looking over at Caleb. 

Caleb starts pushing himself up as Mark grabs his arm, helping back up to his feet. 

Mark: You okay? Seemed like it took a lot out of you. 

Caleb: Yeah... I'm fine... You three were the ones getting tossed around. 

Jason: Comes with the job. 

He tosses Caleb his staff. 

Luke: Yeah... sometimes you have to take a beating. 

Caleb nods before glancing back at the cave entrance. 

Caleb: Let's find them. Get them out of there. 

Down in the cave, they come to the scene of people hooked up to makeshift appliances that are draining their blood. 

Jason: I'll be the first to say it... I did not see any of this coming. 

They start walking down the lines of people. 

Luke: All of these people... they're still alive. Just seems like they're in a comatose state. 

Mark: Over there. 

He points to team RWBY right before they all go rushing over to them. The four girls look paler than usual, unconscious, just like everybody else.

Caleb stares at Ruby with a smile on his face, glancing down to notice a small piece of her tights torn off. 

Caleb: They're alive... let's get them unhooked. All of them. 

Luke: I'll go let Ozpin know about this. 

Now back at the Beacon Infirmary, Caleb stands in the hallway outside of a room. 

A doctor and Ozpin come walking out. They exchange some final words before the doctor nods at Caleb and goes walking down the hall. 

Ozpin looks at Caleb.

Ozpin: I've noticed you all standing out here in front of specific rooms. And when I go talk to them, they'll be excited to hear the news, just as I'm sure you will be. 

Caleb: What news? 

Ozpin: Ruby is fine. Those creatures only drained what they needed. Allowed their bodies time to recover before draining again. No further damage besides some scratches. 

Caleb: What about when she'll wake up? 

Ozpin: It appears she was in the recovery phase when you found you. Could be as early as later tonight... or as late as tomorrow afternoon. A waiting game with a happy ending nonetheless. 

Caleb smiles, letting out a sigh. 

Ozpin: And the leader of Incrid Village was very happy that the lives of his people were saved. It'll take some time for them to get over what happened, but they're happy it's in the past now. 

Caleb: Good to hear. 

Ozpin: I've also heard how you managed to defeat those creatures. Your teammates each told quite the tale. 

Caleb: It was just my semblance. 

Ozpin: Which seems to be evolving quite rapidly. 

He flashes Caleb a brief smile. 

Ozpin: But I won't take up anymore of your time. I'll leave you to what you actually want to do. 

He goes walking down the hall before Caleb enters the room. 

Later that night. Caleb is sleeping in the reclining chair, when Ruby start stirring in bed, slowly opening her eyes. She props herself up on her elbows, looking around until she notices Caleb. 

Ruby: Caleb...? Caleb! 

He opens his eyes, rubbing them before looking over at Ruby. Getting up and going over to her, sitting on the edge of her bed. 

Caleb: I'm here. You're safe now. 

Ruby: Where am I...? What happened...? 

Caleb: You're back at Beacon. Your mission to Incrid Village. 

Ruby: Incrid... oh, yeah... those creatures... they...

Caleb: Those ones are dead. Everybody in the village is safe. It'll take them some time to get over what happened, but they're alive. And you, the others, are here now. 

She nods. 

Ruby: How did you beat them? We tried what we could and nothing worked. 

Caleb: Fire. Their weakness was fire.  

Ruby: That's your semblance, isn't it? 

Caleb: Yeah, it is. Now... get back to sleep, Ruby. You've been through a lot. 

She nods at him. 

Ruby: Just do me a favor? 

Caleb: Anything. 

Ruby: Don't leave. 

He smiles at her, nodding. 

Caleb: I won't go anywhere. 

Now outside of the a cave, one of those creatures slowly emerges from it. It looks out ahead of itself, growling. 

Soon being revealed that the creature is staring at the City of Vale. 

To Be Continued...

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