☆Ghost Hunting☆

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[ Johnnie gets super freaked out and Jake comforts him while they explore with Sam and Colby. ]
( Inspired from the video :> and i added my own little twist :O)


All four of them are walking down the hallways, in the pitch dark. Heading in the direction of the tunnels, where the spirits were wanting them to go too.

"Oh my God, are we- fuck okay" Johnnie stammers as he is trying to stay as close to Jake as possible.

"I just think we should stay and explore the tunnels, i want some solid evidence." Jake says, "Like something.. crisp, clear. You know?"

Sam replied, "Yeah, yeah. Let's go down to the tunnels, the most haunted area of this place and then we can use the spirit box and see if we can get answers. Everybody down?"

Colby, Jake, and Sam nod. Johnnie just shakes his head and says, "sure, fuck, okay."

Jake lifts up his flashlight, and turned his head. Shining the flashlight down behind them. "I thought I heard something over there."

Sam, Colby and Johnnie turn there heads to look over. But see nothing. "What'd you hear?" Colby asks.

"I don't know. A voice. It's fucking weird." Jake responded, as he shakes his head. "whatever, let's keep going."

They continued to walk down into the direction of the tunnels. "I'm still not over the fact that like that Estes method said like, "Leave forever" like that shit is FREAKY!" Jake exclaimed, still unnerved by it.

Sam and Colby chuckle a little. Johnnie mutters, "yeah, fuck this shit, i am leaving forever after this."

They laughed a little but silenced there laughter when they see the tunnels grow into view.

Johnnie turned his head, his heart pounding against his ribcage in a fit of anxiety. His black eyeliner covered eyes are wide, staring at the corner.

"What?" Jake says, catching Johnnie's behavior instantly. Sam and Colby stop there footsteps and turn there heads to look over.

Johnnie covered his mouth as he shakes his head, looking forward. "It's nothing, i-"

"Tell us dude! What did you see?" Colby asks, but Johnnie kept shaking his head. "No, no, fuck. Uh, no-" he nervously laughs.

"Yeah, tell us!" Sam spoke up. Jake looks over at the emo. "C'mon, what?? You saw the ring dress woman again?" He asks.

Johnnie exhaled a shaky breath as he shakes his head, trying to calm down. "I'm gonna just.. no- it's so fuckin' weird, what the fuck. Nah, I don't wanna be here."

Sam laughs, "We'll leave soon Johnnie, we're just gonna explore the darkest area of this place and then we'll be on our way out. Ok?"

Johnnie is biting on his nails, gripping the EMF in his other hand. It suddenly flickered a bunch of colors, which made Sam and Colby jump back and exclaim.


Johnnie yelps as he held it up, all of them watching the EMF flickering like crazy before it silenced and the eerie silence resided in the air.

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