☆Johnnie, Don't Jump!☆

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[ Johnnie has been feeling suicidal and goes into his roof... Jake talks him out of it.]



Johnnie has been showing signs of being suicidal again, and it's starting to worry Jake. In fact a lot. Currently Johnnie has locked himself in his room, sitting in the corner of his room.

Jake knocks on the door. "Hey Johnnie, can we talk?" He asked at the door.

But Jake didn't get a response back, Johnnie is hitting himself on the head with his fists, staring at the ground. His eyes were watery and he felt overwhelmed with his thoughts.

Jake's voice sounds worried and concerned. "Johnnie, please open the door. I know something's wrong, and I want to help you."

"Go away!" Johnnie suddenly raises his voice. Lifting his head and looking at his locked door.

Jake sighs and sits down outside the door. "Look, I know you're hurting right now, but I'm here for you. You can talk to me, you can tell me anything."

Johnnie didn't reply. He gets up from the corner he was sitting at. And walks himself over to the window.

He unlocks it. Pulling it open. There is no screen protector on the window. Lifting his leg up, he grunts softly as he pulls himself up and out of the window. He climbed himself onto the roof.

Jake can hear thuds and noises coming from Johnnies room, as if the male was climbing. Suddenly Jake felt super worried. He rushed himself out of the house and was shocked.

Jake looks up at Johnnie with concern and worry, he doesn't know what to do. He wants to help, but he's afraid of doing something that could push Johnnie over the edge. "Please, Johnnie, talk to me. I don't want to lose you, buddy.."

The stars are above their heads. A cold summery breeze blew throughout the emo's hair since he was higher up. Johnnie was standing on the roof, near the edge. He hated heights, but his mind was telling him to stay put.

Jake keeps talking to him, trying to get him to come down. "Johnnie, you don't have to be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to help. You're my friend, and I care about you. Please, just step away from the edge."

"There's no point," Johnnie suddenly spoke up. Looking down at Jake.

Jake's heart sinks as he hears Johnnie's words. He feels helpless, not knowing what to say to convince him to come down.

"There's always a point, Johnnie. Your life is worth living, and there are so many things you still have to do. Please, just come down."

Carrington pulls up in Tara's pink mini cooper since the two were at a party and Tara was dropping their roommate off.

Tara gasped, "Oh my God!" as she exits the car. Carrington caught on too, getting out. "Johnnie?!"

Jake looks at Carrington and Tara, relieved to see them. He quickly explains the situation to them. "Johnnie is up there on the roof, and he's talking about jumping. I don't know what to do."

Jahnnie Drabbles☆Where stories live. Discover now