☆Engagement Pt2☆

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Request: xxTheCrazyMagicxx

[ Jake and Johnnie open up their engagement to their friends and fans ! 🖤 ]


Johnnie is standing at the counter in the kitchen, admiring the engagement ring on his hand. He doesn't know his fiance walked behind him.

Jake approaches him and wraps his arms around him, planting a kiss on his cheek, then he smirked.

The punk wrapped his arms around Johnnie's waist and kissed his neck, causing him to shudder.

"Heh-hey." Johnnie smiled as he felt Jake's kisses against his tattooed neck. He smiled as his eyes glanced up.

"Hello, handsome." Jake says, still holding onto him.

Johnnie giggles, before looking back at his ring. A warm smile rested on the emo's lips.

"Should we tell everyone?" Johnnie asks, glancing up at the taller as he leans his back against Jake's chest.

"Not yet, I don't want to steal your thunder," Jake replies, resting his head on top of Johnnie's. "We can tell them tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Johnnie pokes his bottom lip out, which causes his piercing also to stick out. "It's always tomorrow. You're just as anxious, we've been engaged for a week."

"Yeah, but this is a big deal, Johnnie," Jake says, looking down at him with a reassuring smile.

"I know it's a big deal, but people deserve to know." Johnnie replied, locking eyes with his lover.

"And they will. I promise. But right now, I just want to enjoy the moment. I'm so happy that you said yes," Jake says, his voice soft and tender.

Johnnie pecks Jake's lips before he grabs his phone. He opened his Instagram story. "I'll post my hand on my story, it's subtle but it gets the idea out."

Jake chuckles softly and nods his head in agreement. "That's a good idea. Just make sure to keep it lowkey. I don't want everyone to know yet."

"Wait I have an idea," Johnnie grabs Jake's hand as the two walk to the living room and sit on the couch.

Jake follows him to the living room and sits down next to him, curious to hear what he has in mind.

Johnnie laces his fingers with Jake's. Then he holds the phone up. The ring was in perfect angle, and it sparkled from the light. He clicks the picture. Then adds it to his story, no tags, no captions.

Jake watches as he adds the picture to his story, his heart beating a little faster. He can't believe that this is happening. He's engaged to the love of his life, and he's about to tell the world.

"Now we wait," Johnnie sounded a bit nervous. "I'm scared.." He puts his phone down and covers his face.

Jake pulls him into a hug and rubs his back gently. "Hey, it's okay. Everything's going to be fine. I'm here with you, and I'm not going anywhere."

Johnnie suddenly started panicking, "What if our friends don't support us? What if we get hate because of this..? What if-"

Jake shushes him and holds him tighter. "Shh, shh. Don't think like that. Our friends are going to be happy for us, and if anyone gives us hate, then we'll just block them. We don't need people like that in our lives. Besides, who cares what other people think? This is our moment, and it's special. No one can take that away from us."

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