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[ Jake and Johnnie get high :O ]
[ CW: talking about mental illness such as depression. ]

Johnnie is currently seated in his bedroom, bored out of his mind. "Jake!!!" he calls from his room, since his best friend is right next door.

Jake comes into the room. "What's up?" He asks towards the emo. Johnnie shifted as he turned in his little swivel chair. "Do you wanna uhh, do something? I'm bored outta my mind."

"I'm down, what you got in mind?" Jake asks.
Johnnie gets up from his chair, fixing his emo fringe for a moment before saying, "You down to smoke some weed?"

Jake smiles at him, "So, where's the weed?" He asks in return, already down to do it.

Johnnie walks over to his drawer, opening it and taking out a blunt. "We'll have to share, but let's go outside first."

Jake follows him outside. "Let's do it then, it's been a while since I've smoked some."

"Then do the honors," Johnnie laughs as he hands Jake the blunt and lighter. Outside is pitch black, stars above their heads.

Jake lights the blunt and takes a hit. "Damn, I forgot how good this stuff is" he says as he exhales the smoke.

Johnnie takes it out of Jake's finger tips, accidentally taking a big hit, as he exhaled and coughed out the smoke. "Oh, fuck-" he coughed.

Jake laughed. "You good bro?

"Oh sheeeeiiittt!" Johnnie laughs, as he hands Jake the blunt, it's raiding the smoke in the air.

Jake takes another hit, already feeling it. As he hands Johnnie it back, "easy man." he mutters.

Johnnie sighs as he grabs it, taking another hit, and once again, coughing. The two passed it around together for a little while longer, before Jake puts it out.

Johnnie's eyes have the red hue, then slowly gazed over to Jake. "Ready to head back in my room?" he asked, voice a little out of it.

Jake nodded, and then helped Johnnie up. "Yeah, let's go to bed." "Bed?! high?.. Nah, you'll have crazy dreams. Let's just stay up and talk for a while." Johnnie replied as the emo and punk make it to Johnnies bedroom.

Johnnie is laying on his bed while Jake is seated on the floor right next to the bedside. "Hey, Jake." Johnnie says, running a hand through Jake's mullet.

Jake turns to look at him, his eyes red from the weed. "Yeah?" Johnnie smiled as he played with Jake's hair for a moment before he said, "you have soft hair.. how? my emo hair is much dead from the products.."

Jake chuckled. "I guess it's just natural, or maybe it's the weed making you think that, I don't know, but I like when you play with it."

Johnnie shifts as he lays on his side, playing with Jake's hair, since the other male is seated up and right next to the bedside on the floor. His back against the bed.

"Why are you sitting on the floor?" Johnnie laughs, blinking a little, much slower.

"You could've came up here with me.. but if you wanna stay down there, that's okay. I can touch your hair from here," Johnnie leans a bit off the bed, his arm leaning down and playing with Jake's brunet locks.

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