☆Jake On Acid?!☆

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[ Jake got fucked up at the party they went too last night and now he is missing the next day. ]

CW: heavy drugs discussed, cussing, panic, anxiety and shouting!


Carrington walks down the stairs, "Hey Johnnie? Have you seen Jake since the party last night?"

Johnnie glances up. "Oh, hi. I haven't seen him, actually. Is he missing?". "Yeah dude, it's fucking weird." Carrington replied, sitting on the couch next to Johnnie. "He was pretty whacked out last night, i don't know where he is now."

Johnnie raises an eyebrow. "Wait, he was on drugs last night? I thought he was just drinking?"

Carrington shakes his head, "No dude. At the party some girls offered him Molly."
Johnnie sighs. "Oh, that's fuckin' great. This isn't going to end well." He checks his phone for any messages from Jake.

"I'm fucking surprised that he actually took it, he said he wouldn't do shit like that." Carrington snickers.

"Yeah, he was always really against the heavy drugs. But hey, everyone makes mistakes. I hope he's okay." Johnnie puts his phone away and leans back on the couch.

"But where the fuck would he have gone? Did he go with those girls? I don't know man." Carrington takes his weed pen out of his pocket and takes a small hit. Exhaling the smoke.

Johnnie eyes the weed pen curiously, but doesn't comment on it. "Well, he probably did go with them. That's how he gets when he's on drugs. He doesn't care who he's with or what he's doing."

"That's scary though, the most drugs Jake's done is weed." Carrington waves the little weed pen in the air. "Not molly man."

Johnnie nods in agreement. "Yeah, I know. I don't know what he was thinking, but I hope he's okay. Do you think we should try to find him?"

"Let's wait and see if he texts back. Or come back, he has his car so he should be around somewhere." Carrington replied. "Shit.. Johnnie? if he's on fuckin' acid or molly or whatever.. how long does that shit last? Google it man, i don't want to see Jake twacked out."

Johnnie takes out his phone again and starts searching up the effects of Molly. He's not exactly an expert on this kind of thing, but he's seen it on TV. "Oh damnit man... It can last up to twelve fucking hours. He's probably going to be pretty messed up."

"Oh shit, and those girls offered him that at like, in the middle of the night's party at like 3:00am, and it's.." Carrington turns on his phone. "It's 8:39." how many hours is that?"

Johnnie counts in his head for a second. "It's been five hours since he took it, so that means he's probably still high."

"Oh fuck! what if he's driving?!" Carrington's mouth drops.

Johnnie's eyes widen and he jumps up from the couch. "That's not good. We need to go find him. Now."

Suddenly Johnnie's phone began to ring on face time, it was Tara. Johnnie immediately picks up the call and answers it, looking very worried.
"Tara, is Jake with you?

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