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Jake was at a very crowded store with Johnnie. He didn't suspect walmart of all places to be this crowded, but then he remembered it's a Saturday.. "This place is more crowded than usual, what a sale going down?" Jake says as he is walking backwards, Barry(There assistant) recording them.

"I don't know." Johnnie said, walking backwards as well and laughing. Barry was keeping pace with them, recording everything. He was used to this sort of thing.

Suddenly Jake (being clumsy) hits his back on a rack, and starts to laugh. "oopsie!" he says, laughing.

Barry chuckles behind them.

"Oh my god, are you okay?"

Johnnie asked, turning to face Jake. He was laughing too, but it was more out of shock than amusement. He reached out to steady Jake, not wanting him to fall over.

"Jeez you're getting the emo-ness on me" Jake says, jokingly for the video as he makes a dramatic "eugh..!"

Johnnie rolls his eyes and shoves Jake playfully, laughing." Oh, shut up"

Jake shoved Johnnie playfully back before gasping. "What is this?!" he says as he rushed over to the food section. Picking up a box.

"Is something Mama Bear wants" Jake responded with a smirk as he glanced at the camera and winked at Barry. Before rushing off to the toy section. Tossing the food item in the cart.

Johnnie chuckled and followed Jake to the toy section, wondering what he was up to. He had a feeling he was going to be in for a ride. Barry following behind them with the camera.

Jake lifts up a pop-it toy "what..?" he pokes it. "ooh" he says, satisfied with the sound.

Johnnie watched in amusement as Jake poked the pop-it toy. "It's a pop-it toy, dummy. Have you ever seen one before?"

"nO" Jake responded as he rapidly popped the pop-it before chucking it up to the ceiling. He gasps as it hits one of the lights.

Johnnie's eyes widened as the pop-it toy hit the light. He was worried that it would break, but it seemed to be fine. He looked up at Jake, his eyebrows raised in disbelief. "Did you just throw that thing at the light?"

Jake bursts out laughing. Barry is making sure to record their genuine selves. Laughing a little behind the camera.

Johnnie couldn't help but laugh as well, shaking his head at Jake's antics. It was moments like these that made him enjoy spending time with Jake so much.

They could be doing anything and it would always be fun, even if it was something as silly as throwing a pop-it toy at a light.

Jake looks around the toy section. "See anything you want?????" he says, before gasping. "BaLLs" he grabs a large colored ball.

Johnnie looked over at Jake as he grabbed the ball, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "Balls? What are you gonna do with that?"

He asked, trying to figure out what Jake was planning on doing with the ball.

"play with my balls" Jake says, jokingly before laughing hysterically. Before chucking the colored big ball and it hits Johnnies head. But, this was normal when they filmed.

Johnnie was caught off guard by the ball hitting his head, but he quickly recovered and started laughing along with Jake. It was a running joke between them that Jake would throw things at Johnnie, and it was always a source of amusement for the viewers. "Ow, what the hell, man?" He said, rubbing the back of his head and pretending to be hurt.

Jake thought Johnnie was actually hurt, it went over his head. "are you okay?" he says between laughs. Walking over and hugging Johnnie's head.

Johnnie let out a small chuckle as Jake hugged his head, finding it cute that he was worried. He wrapped his arms around Jake and hugged him back, smiling. "Yeah, I'm fine. I was just joking. It didn't hurt that much."

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