☆The Emo's Smile☆

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[ Johnnie is insecure about his smile and Jake thinks it's very pretty. (IT IS!!!!!!)

(written in italics.)
TW: Insecurities, Self-Harm.

Jake noticed Johnnie staring at his reflection in the car window, looking at his smile.

Johnnie was laughing and smiling at a joke earlier Jake made, but he caught a glimpse of the window, and now is just staring at his appearance.

"Hey, you alright? You've been staring at your reflection for a while now." Jake asks, glancing over.

"Can we just get home?" Johnnie replied. His eyes look away.

Jake nods, "Almost there." he replied as he was driving, they recently went out to eat and now they're heading back to the house.

Once they make it to the house, Johnnie gets out. He quickly walks into the house. And he even almost shut the door on Jake while he was coming in.

Jake catches the door before it closes, following him inside and closing it behind. "What's going on? You're acting weird."

"Nothing." Johnnie replied as he walked up the stairs, going into his room to self isolate.

Jake followed him up the stairs and into the emo's room "I don't believe that. You've been acting weird all night. You were fine at dinner, but now you're avoiding me."

"Look, it's nothing. Okay Jake?" Johnnie replied, rolling his eyes a bit. Before he sits on the bed, opening his camera app on his phone. He smiled a bit, looking at his slightly crooked teeth before his smile faded.

Jake walks over and takes his phone away. "What are you doing?' He looks at the picture Johnnie took.  "Your teeth are fine. Why are you looking at them?"

Johnnie huffed as he grabbed the phone back. "My teeth are crooked, making my smile look lopsided."

Jake sits next to him on the bed. "Your smile is beautiful, and your teeth aren't that crooked. I think you're just being too hard on yourself."

"My lip piercing causes the crooked-ness."  Johnnie replied. "And no, my smile isn't ..nice."

Jake takes the emo's face in his hands and looks into his eyes. "Your smile is perfect, and the lip piercing is hot. Don't you ever think otherwise."

Johnnie blushed a bit, feeling a little flustered. "Jake, shut up. it's really not. it's ugly.." his eyes glistened with tears.

Jake looks into his blue eyes and says. "You are perfect in every way, and I don't want you to ever forget that."

"I'm not perfect, Jake." Johnnie sneered a bit, turning his head as he got up from the bed.

Jake grabs his wrist before Johnnie can get off the bed. "No, you're perfect to me."
Johnnie feels Jake grab his wrist, he winces a little suddenly. But he couldn't move, his body went frozen.

Jake loosens his grip a bit, still concerned for Johnnie. "Hey, are you okay? I didn't mean to grab you that hard."

"I'm ..... fine." Johnnie hesitantly responded, still feeling the stinging sensation underneath his sleeve.

Jake notices that Johnnie is being a bit strange. He decides to ask him what's wrong. "You sure? You seem a bit off.."

Johnnie tries to hold back his tears, since the settled touch on his wrist is really starting to sting.

Jahnnie Drabbles☆Where stories live. Discover now