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[ Johnnie is touch-starved :')  ♡ ]


Johnnie is touch starved. There is no denial about that. He hasn't been hugged, cuddled, or any of that in years since his break up with Alex. And Tonight, it's hitting him harder than usual.

Johnnie is laying on his bed, cuddling his pillow with a glum look in his eyes. His room is dark, and the sky outside is night.

Jake knocked on the door, a little bit worried. "Johnnie, are you okay?"he asks the door.

Since Johnnie has been in his room all day and self isolation. It concerned Jake, and now it's late at night.

Jake sighs and tries the doorknob, but it's locked. "Come on, Johnnie... Don't make me pick the lock."

Johnnie sits up in his bed. Grunting as he walks over to his door. He opened it. "What?" he says.

Jake looks at him, noticing how tired he looks. "Are you okay? You haven't left your room all day, and you look exhausted."

"Uh yeah, just one of those days. you know?" Johnnie replied. Flicking on his light as he sits on the bed.

Jake looks around his room and notice how messy it is. He walks over to him and sit next to him "Yeah, I know what you mean... Can I ask you something?"

Johnnie gets off the bed. Cleaning up a little as he says, "Sure."

"Do you ever miss being in a relationship?" Jake asked.

Johnnie stopped cleaning for a moment. Placing a few items in a drawer. His heart dropped when he was asked this.

Jake can see that he hit a nerve. He reached out and touched his shoulder. "Hey, it's okay if you do. It's a perfectly normal thing to miss."

"I haven't been in a relationship in.." Johnnie paused, feeling Jake's hand on his shoulder.

Jake squeezed his shoulder reassuringly "How long has it been?"

"Six..? Seven years?" Johnnie replied, he couldn't really remember. Since he has been blocking it out.

Jake raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Wow... That's a long time. I'm guessing your breakup was pretty bad?"

Johnnie shrugged. "I'd rather not talk about it." he replied. Tucking up his knees as he sits on his bed.

Jake nods in understanding. "Okay, I won't pry. But you know you can talk to me if you ever want to, right? I'm here for you."

"Thank you." Johnnie mutters. He lays his head on his knees, looking at his blankets on his bed.

Jake noticed how sad he looks, and has a sudden urge to comfort him. He puts his arm around the emo and pulls him close. "Hey, it's okay. You don't have to be sad. I'm here."

Johnnie froze when he felt the touch of Jake's arms around him. His head lays down onto Jake's shoulder. Enjoying the closeness.

The punk smiled and stroked his hair, trying to soothe him. "It's okay to let yourself be vulnerable. I won't judge you or anything like that. You can trust me."

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