☆Smoking Cigarettes☆

74 4 12

Request by: youenne_ 🖤

[ Jake and Johnnie are smoking cigarettes.. and it leads to another, they shotgun. <3 ]
CW: smoking (obv)


Johnnie is seated outside on the steps outside their front door. He couldn't sleep. So he decided maybe having a cigarette could help ease his nerves.

Looking in his leather jacket's pocket, he grunts. Realizing he fuckin' forgot them. But was relieved to see Jake coming outside with a pack in his hand.

Jake walks out and sits next to Johnnie, offering him a cigarette. "Oh hey." Johnnie greets the other as he grabs the cigarette. Placing it up to his lips, "Can you light me?" he says, muffled a bit from the cigarette.

Jake smiles at him and leans forward, lighting the cigarette for him. "No problem. Can't sleep?"

Johnnie pulls back, taking a small puff on it before exhaling the white cloud of smoke into the crisp night. "No, fucking can't." he replied. Watching Jake take a cigarette out for himself and lighting it.

Jake takes a drag and leans back, staring at the night sky. "You know what I hate about the night?"

"What?" Johnnie glances at the stars above their heads. Flicking a bit of the ashes before bringing the cigarette back to his lips.

Jake chuckles. "How quiet it is. I mean, look at the stars. How are they just shining without making any noise? I hate silence. It's like the world is dead."

"That's the most emo thing I've heard from your mouth." Johnnie laughs as he looks at Jake. His blue eyes soften as he looks at the punk.

Jake rolls his eyes and smiles at him. "Shut up. I'm not emo. I just don't like the quiet. I need something to distract me, like music, or your annoying voice."

"That doesn't make any sense." Johnnie snickers, taking a puff on his cigarette, exhaling the small cloud of smoke. "You want me to shut up, but you don't like silence."

Jake laughs and nudges him. "You know what I mean. You're a distraction from the silence. Your annoying voice, your stupid smile, and your dumb personality are all good enough to keep me occupied."

"Okay, buddy." Johnnie giggled, bringing the cigarette up to his lips. He takes a puff, holding it in for a second as he leans in. Blowing the smoke into Jake's face.

Jake doesn't even flinch, and just laughs at him. He takes a puff of his own cigarette and blows the smoke right back at Johnnie's face, smiling all the while.

Johnnie coughs a bit, waving his hand. "Fuck you, man." A smile still remained in the emo's face.

Jake chuckles and pulls Johnnie closer to him, wrapping his arm around his shoulders. "You love me, really."

"I do," Johnnie replied. Looking into Jake's eyes, his blue eyes softening as he makes eye contact.

Jake's brown eyes soften as well, and he smiles at him. He leans in and kisses him on the cheek.

Then, Jake has another idea. He glanced at his cigarette, and then at Johnnie's lips. Johnnie is too occupied by looking in the distance, in thought.

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