☆MineCraft Stream☆

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[ inspired by johnnie's stream w hansumfella, but switched to jake.(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) ]

The two decided to steam tonight, playing Minecraft. Johnnie is in his room, and Jake is in the other. "So? you got your chat loaded up?" Johnnie says into his mic, wearing his headphones.

"Yep! I'm ready to go." Jake responds, also wearing his headphones and looking at his screen, waiting for Johnnie to join the game.

"okok" Johnnie mutters, "Gimmie a minute. Did you grab uhh, the fuckin - shot glasses? I have mine." he says as the chat is flooding in with comments and emojis of support.

"Can you guys hear Jake?" He says as he is clicking around on his computer with his hand, the chat spamming "yes".

"Yeah, I got It. Can't forget the most important part." Jake laughs, grabbing his shot glass. "Alright, let's get this stream started!" He exclaims in joy, Johnnie can somewhat hear him since they are a room away from each other.

Johnnie pulls out a bottle of Jack. "okay, should we take a shot first?before we start." he says as he is pouring his glass.

"ok I filled that shit way too high." he clicks on his computer, pulling the game up on his own screen.

He clicks his twitch tab, showing jake on screen so they are looking at each other, like FaceTime.

The chat is spamming like crazy, as usual.

Jake nods in agreement. "Definitely. It's only right to start off strong." He says as he grabs his glass and raises it in the air. "Cheers!" He takes a shot, wincing slightly as the alcohol burns his throat.

Johnnie held his shot glass to the screen before he downs it. Cringing at the burning sensation that hit his throat. he coughs a bit. "oh shit."

Jake chuckles at Johnnie's reaction. "You good, bro? Can't handle your liquor?" He says teasingly, taking another sip of his drink.

"oh yeah, I can. let's get the game started. every time we die, we have to take a shot. ok? is that, cool?", Johnnie laughs a bit as he sets his shot glass down.

"You're on. Sounds like a fun way to get wasted." Jake grins, setting his glass down as well. "Let's do this." He says, clicking on the game and starting a new world.

Johnnie giggles as the game is loading up. "Woah, you have a cool skin. it kinda looks like you. does mine?"

"Yeah, you look pretty good too. Mine is based off of my YouTube icon, so I thought it was fitting." Jake replies, admiring his own skin in the game.

Johnnie laughs, "Mine looks kinda bad, kinda looks like me from MDE days, but it's fine, I'll survive." he snickers. "we can beat the game, right, Jake?"

"Oh, we're definitely gonna beat this game. No doubt about it. We've got the skills and the alcohol to get us through." Jake says confidently, raising his shot glass in the air. "And if we don't, at least we'll have a good time trying."

"Right." Johnnie and Jake start to game, mining trees and such to get wood. Suddenly, not even five minutes in the game, Jake's character gets killed by a skeleton.

"Oh, come on! I wasn't even paying attention!" Jake exclaims, watching his character respawn. "I guess that means I have to take a shot." He says, reaching for his glass.

"we both do! I set the setting to if you die, I die. so, fuck you, we have to drink!" Johnnie laughs as he chews on his lip rings, picking up his shot glass and pouring a small shot inside.

The chat spamming "LMAFO", "HAHAHAHAH" and other messages.

"Oh, you son of a bitch!!!" Jake says, chuckling. "Fine, I'll take the shot with you. But don't expect me to go easy on you." He takes the shot, wincing as the alcohol burns his throat again.

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