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Request: miruwkitt

[ Jake has struggles w food, and Johnnie helps him. <3]

[ TW: talking about food, eating
d!sorder ]

It's been a few days since Jake has even touched or even tried any food. Usually he streams food reviews in his car, but he hasn't been streaming. And he's been quiet and not as goofy as before.

Johnnie notices Jake's strange behavior and approaches him. "Hey, Jake. You doing okay?"

Jake is currently typing in his notes app on his phone, he was calculating how many calories he had last week.

Johnnie looks over Jake's shoulder to see what he's doing. "What are you doing? Are you counting calories?"

Jake nods. "I had too many." is all he said, before tucking up his knees and finishing his calculation on his phone.

Johnnie's expression turns to concern. "Jake, you're not on a diet or anything, are you?"

Jake didn't reply. He exited his notes app. But as he was doing so, his Google app was still open and read in the search bar, 'How to lose weight fast.'

Johnnie's eyes widen in shock as he sees the search bar. He grabs Jake's phone and stares at him. "You're looking up ways to lose weight?"

Jake looks at Johnnie. But he didn't say anything, he was a pretty skinny muscular dude, so it confused Johnnie on why he would search that.

Johnnie shakes his head and looks at Jake with concern. "Jake, you're already skinny. You don't need to lose weight. Why are you doing this?"

Jake scoffed. "No, I'm not." He denied the truth, as he got up to walk into the kitchen. He opened the cupboard for a snack, and immediately checked the calorie count on the package.

Jake grabs a small Oreo, looks at it and then puts it back and the package away. Which isn't like him, usually he binge eats, which isn't good either.

Johnnie watches Jake carefully.

"Jeez, so many calories in one damn cookie." Jake muttered as he shook his head. He starts to go up the stairs.

Johnnie follows him up the stairs. 'You're not going to eat the Oreo, are you?"

Jake shakes his head. "No. I had too many calories last week and so I just need to just.. not eat for a while."

Johnnie looks horrified when he heard this.

Jake didn't respond, he just went into his room and closed the door on Johnnie's face. He is avoiding the emo.

Johnnie sighs worriedly and goes back to his own room, he couldn't help but start to Google about eating disorders. He is concerned for his best friend's safety.

Johnnie is aware that Jake has binge eating disorder. The symptoms he is experiencing are common in people with the disorder, and he has noticed them in Jake for a while.

He's been worried about him for a while, but this is the first time he's really done something about it. He goes back to Jake's room and decided to knock on the door and check on him.

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