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[ Johnnie wants Jake's attention!!!!!<3 ]


It's a typical evening in the house, Jake just finished livestreaming in his car, unboxing pop figures and such and now is currently sitting on the couch, scrolling on his phone.

Johnnie walks in and flops onto the couch next to Jake, in his emo outfit, with a small smile on his face.

The punk didn't seem to realize, as he is texting people that he hasn't responded to in a few days. His thumbs typing out messages.

Johnnie leans over to look at the phone screen. "What are you doing?" He asks, trying to be sneaky.

"Texting." Jake replied, before exiting his texting app and opening up Instagram. Mindlessly scrolling on his feed, liking memes and edits and other content.

Johnnie rolls his eyes. "That's not an answer." He says, chuckling.

"Well it's a response." Jake replied, eyes glued to his phone.

Johnnie scoots closer to Jake, trying to get his attention. "Jake... Jake... Jake." He says, trying to get his attention.

Jake didn't respond, he adjusted the ed-hardy hat on the top of his head. Holding his phone loosely with one hand as he adjusts it.

Johnnie smirks and puts his arms around Jake, kissing his neck. "You should pay attention to me." He whispers into Jake's ear.

Jake blushed a bit, gripping his phone now. He feels the emo's lips against the three star tattoos on his neck.

Johnnie kisses Jake's neck a few more times, slowly moving his lips up his neck to his cheek. He stops, waiting for a response.

Jake looks at Johnnie now, before deciding to tease him and look back at his phone. Acting as this didn't happen.

Johnnie gets annoyed and snatches the phone away from Jake, tossing it on the floor. "Pay attention to me." He says, holding onto Jake's cheek with one hand.

Jake laughs a bit, "Hey that was my phone! did you break it?!" he leans over to pick it up.

"I didn't break it, calm down." Johnnie says, pushing Jake back onto the couch. "But you need to give me attention."

Jake leans back on the couch now, feeling Johnnie's hand resting on his white tanktop covered chest. "I do now?" he teased.

Johnnie smiles and leans in close, whispering in Jake's ear. "You do now. I'm in charge."

Jake laughs a bit, covering half of his flustered face with his tatted arm. "Oh really?!"

Johnnie nods. "Yes, really. I want you to do whatever I say. Got it?"

Jake uncovered his face, chuckling. "Woah, someone's bold." He says before shifting back up and grabbing his phone, going back on it.

Johnnie nudges Jake's arm, wanting to get his attention again.

Jake pretends to not notice, holding his laughter back as he scrolls mindlessly again like previously.

Johnnie nudges him harder, not wanting to be ignored.

"What?" Jake says, eyes glued on his screen, he chuckled a bit.

Johnnie whined a bit, leaning closer to Jake and kissing his jawline now. "C'mon, stop ignoring mee.."

Jake sighs, smiling as he puts his phone down. He shifts on the couch as he turns his head to look at Johnnie. "Okay, you have my attention. what's up?"

Johnnie doesn't hesitate. He moves to sit on Jake's lap, wrapping his arms around his neck and looking up at him.

Jake sighed in content when he felt Johnnie sit on his lap. "Okay... I get it, you really want my attention now. huh?" he chuckled.

"I always want your attention, Jake. I want you to know how much I care about you." Johnnie says softly, his face still buried in Jake's neck. He pulls away and looks up at him, his eyes full of emotion.

"Cute." Jake whispered as he leaned his head down and kissed the emo softly.

Johnnie kisses him back passionately, pulling Jake closer to him. He doesn't want to let go of him.

Jake pulls back as he stares lovingly into Johnnie's eyes. "Okay, you win. You got my attention, happy?"

Johnnie smiles and gently strokes Jake's cheek."yes, I love you, Jake. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You're the only person who understands me and makes me feel loved." He leans in and gives him another kiss, this time on the forehead.

Jake smiled at the kiss. Rubbing Johnnie's back affectionately.

Johnnie leans his head on Jake's shoulder, enjoying the feeling of his hand rubbing his back. He feels so safe and comfortable in his arms. He looks up at him, smiling softly. "I'm so lucky to have you."

"Yeah?" Jake replied, his hand slowly gliding down and resting onto Johnnies hip.

Johnnie nods and bites his lip, his cheeks turning red as Jake's hand touches his hip. He looks down at his hand, his heart beating faster. "Yes, you make me feel special. You're the only one who's ever treated me this way."

"Oh really?" Jake's smile rises as he leans in and pecks Johnnie's cheek.

Johnnie's cheeks turn even redder as Jake pecks his cheek. He giggles softly and leans in, nuzzling his face against Jake's neck. He can't get enough of his touch.

Jake moves his hand back to Johnnies back, holding the male on his lap and he grabs his phone with the other hand.

The two men cuddled, Johnnie was watching Jake's scrolling, his eyes started to get sleepy as he snuggled with the punk.

Johnnie's eyes begin to flutter shut as he cuddles with Jake. He feels so safe and comfortable in his arms, like nothing can hurt him.

He leans his head on Jake's chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat. It's soothing and calming, like a lullaby.

Jake glanced down, noticing Johnnie fell asleep. He chuckles softly and kisses Johnnie's head.

Johnnie stirs slightly as Jake kisses his head. He shifts in his sleep, wrapping his arms around Jake's waist. He smiles in his sleep, feeling safe and content.

Jake turns his head to look back at his phone, scrolling and allowing the other male to snuggle and sleep on him.

Johnnie's breathing becomes slow and steady as he falls into a deep sleep. He's completely at peace, with no worries or cares in the world. He feels like he's in heaven, being held by the love of his life.

(The end)
(1,060 words)

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