☆Caught Kissing!☆

82 7 4

Request: 1Emogurl1

[ Carrington walks in on Jake and Johnnie kissing >:3 ]

Cw: heavy kisses, morbid jokes


Johnnie has his arms around Jake's neck as he is kissing his boyfriend happily. The couple is seated on the bed in the emo's room.

Jake pulls Johnnie closer, wrapping his arms around him. "I love you, Johnnie." Johnnie giggles softly, whispering. "Love you too, c'mere and kiss me more."

Jake smiles, and presses his lips against Johnnie's, kissing him deeply and passionately.

His hands run through Johnnie's hair as they kiss, and he pulls Johnnie closer, his body pressed up against his.

Softly moaning into the kiss, Johnnie felt his pale face flush a bit red and rosy. His hands play with the back of Jake's mullet.

Jake's lips move down to Johnnie's neck, kissing it softly and gently. He nibbles on his earlobe, causing Johnnie to shiver slightly.

Johnnie sighed contently as he felt Jake's lips against his tatted neck. Before he grabbed Jake by the collar of his shirt and reconnected their lips.

Jake smiles as their lips meet again, kissing Johnnie with more passion and intensity. He pulls away for a moment, breathing heavily, before leaning back in to kiss him again.

Lips are swollen a bit from the amount of kisses the two shared, but they couldn't stop.

They love each other so much. Johnnie pulled back for a second, muttering, "I love you very much."

Jake smiles at him, caressing his cheek. "I love you more." He says, before kissing Johnnie again, this time more gently and lovingly.

As the two make-out, Carrington is humming and walking up the stairs. He walks to Johnnie's door and opens it without knocking, his mouth dropped,


Jake looks up at Carrington, and his face turns bright red. He quickly pulls away from Johnnie, sitting up and straightening out his clothes. "Carrington! What are you doing here?"

Johnnie covered his face. Too embarrassed to look at his roommate. He lets out an embarrassed noise.

"What am I doing here?!" Carrington laughs a bit, "What are you doing?!"

Jake chuckles nervously, trying to hide his embarrassment. "I can explain..."

Johnnie felt his eyes water from embarrassment as he kept his face covered. He was red as a beet.

"Yeah, please do." Carrington laughs and wiggles his eyebrows.

"Johnnie and I were just... kissing..." Jake says, looking away and blushing. "But it's not what it looks like, I swear."

Johnnie uncovered his face, his pale complexion was so red. Jake looks at Johnnie, and his expression softens. He reaches out and takes his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"It's okay, babe. Carrington won't tell anyone, right?" He says, looking at Carrington for confirmation.

"Wait hold up," Carrington's mouth dropped for a moment. Before he asked, "Wait a damn minute, are you two....?"

Jake and Johnnie exchange a glance, and then nod in unison. "Yeah... we're dating."

"Holy fuck! I support you guys!" Carrington smiled happily. Johnnie hides his face into Jake's tatted shoulder. "Ugh....."

Jake chuckles, and wraps his arm around Johnnie, pulling him close. He looks at Carrington with a smile. "Thanks, man. We appreciate your support."

"Of course guys, you're my best friends and roomies." Carrington chuckled, "uh, sorry for walking in..."

"No worries, dude. We should have locked the door. We'll make sure to be more careful next time." Jake says, still smiling. "So, what are you doing here, anyway?"

"I was wondering if you guys wanted to film or something but I can see you guys are busy..." Carrington smiled and winked.

Johnnie lifts his head up, feeling a bit more calmer. He holds Jake's hand. But stays quiet.

Jake laughs, squeezing Johnnie's hand. "Yeah, I think we're good for now. We can film tomorrow, if you're still down." He looks at Johnnie, silently asking if he wants to do something else.

Johnnie shakes his head, smiling lovingly at his punk boyfriend. Carrington nods, "Aight, cool. Uh, I'm down for tomorrow. Bye guys! I'll be in my room." He snickers as he leaves the room, waving and shutting the door calmly.

Jake waves goodbye to Carrington, and then turns his attention back to Johnnie. He leans down and kisses him on the forehead, his eyes filled with affection. "I love you, babe."

Johnnie groans as he covers his face again. "Holy fuck that was so embarrassing, I want to kill myself."

Jake chuckles, and gently pulls Johnnie's hands away from his face. "Hey, don't say that. It's okay, I promise. Carrington was chill about it, and he's not gonna tell anyone." He smiles reassuringly.

"I know but what if he walked in if we were..." Johnnie trailed off before waving his hands around in embarrassment as he shook his head.

Jake laughs, knowing exactly what Johnnie is trying to say. "I mean, that would have been a bit more embarrassing. But he didn't, so it's fine."

He pulls Johnnie into his arms, and kisses him softly. "Relax, okay? Everything's gonna be fine."

Johnnie returned the soft kiss. "I wanna kill myself." He morbidly jokes again. Jake chuckles, shaking his head. "No, you don't. You're too cute to die." He teases, ruffling Johnnie's hair. "Besides, who's gonna be my boyfriend if you're dead?"

"I'll just haunt you." Johnnie replied, snickering.

Jake smiles, leaning his head on Johnnie's shoulder. "I'd be fine with that. As long as you're still with me." He says, giving him a light squeeze.

"Always, bitch." Johnnie laughs as he playfully shoves Jake's head up and then cradles the punk's face in his hands and pecks his lips.

Jake grins, enjoying the feeling of Johnnie's hands on his face. He pulls Johnnie closer, wrapping his arms around him tightly. He kisses him back, holding him close and running his fingers through his hair.

Johnnie slowly pulled back. "I love you."

Jake's smile widens, and he presses his forehead against Johnnie's. "I love you too, Johnnie. So much."

(The end)
(995 words)
(Sorry if it's short D:)

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