☆Johnnie Gets Roofied☆

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[ Jake and Johnnie are at a party and Johnnie's drink gets drugged! ]

TW/CW: Heavy drinking and Graphic details on being drugged! And hospitalization!


Jake and Johnnie are at a party as usual for a Friday night. Johnnie is talking with Jake with his back facing the drinking station.

Jake has a bottle of whiskey in his hand and is chugging it down as he talks to Johnnie, getting drunker and drunker by the minute.

But the two didn't notice, but a random stranger dropped in some Rohypnol into Johnnie's drink and then disappeared into the crowd. Johnnie didn't notice, Jake didn't notice.

Jake continues to drink as he leans against a wall, completely unaware of what's going on. Johnnie laughs, "You're drunk!" he says, picking up his roofied drink without knowing, as he drinks it.

"Mmmm, I'm a little drunk." Jake says, stumbling over his words and giggling. "Hey, can I have a sip of your drink?"

"No, mine!" Johnnie laughs as he continues to drink the rest of it. Then sets the glass down.

"Come onnn, I want some!" Jake whines, leaning closer to Johnnie and reaching for the drink.

"It's empty, idiot. I drank it all." Johnnie slurred, smiling. But his smile suddenly faded..

Jake ran off to talk to other people for a minute, such as Tara and Scuff.

Johnnie's vision starts to blur and he stumbles around, feeling dizzy and disoriented. He tries to call out Jake, but his words are slurred and unintelligible.

Johnnie groans as he is stumbling around now. "Jake..?!" he slurred, the music getting muffled.

Jake approaches Johnnie, who is now lying on the ground, barely conscious. He kneels down beside him and shakes him gently. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Jake...?!"Johnnie tried to sit up but he fell back down. Coughing a bit. Jake catches Johnnie as he falls and helps him sit up. He looks at him with concern, noticing that he's sweating and shivering. "What's wrong? Are you sick?"

"Is he okay?" Scuff suddenly walks over. Johnnie felt so dizzy and disoriented.

Jake looks up at Scuff feeling relieved that he's there. He shakes his head. "I don't know, he's not looking good. I think he might be sick or something."

Scuff knelt down. "Johnnie? Hey, hey buddy." He snaps his fingers a bit. Johnnie groans in response, he couldn't even speak.

Jake watches in concern as Scuff tries to wake Johnnie up. He notices that Johnnie's eyes are glazed over and his breathing is shallow.

Scuff furrowed his eyebrows, "Dude, he doesn't look.. good. Let's get him out of the party, c'mon Jake."

Jake nods in agreement and helps Scuff lift Johnnie up. He wraps his arm around Johnnie's waist and supports him as they make their way out of the party.

Johnnie is stumbling around, trying to stay awake. His pupils looked dilated. Scuff looks over, "Oh shit.."

Jake notices that Johnnie's pupils are dilated and he starts to worry. He tries to talk to Johnnie, but he's barely conscious and can only manage a few mumbled words. "Johnnie, can you hear me? What's wrong? What did you drink?"

"What..? what..?" Johnnie feels the cold air hit him when they help him outside.

Jake looks at Scuff for guidance. "We can't just leave him like this, he's clearly not well. We need to call an ambulance or something."

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